Hear from the 2015 award winners on strategies to develop and enhance exemplary academic-practice partnerships. This webinar focuses on a success story from the Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation and Mayo Clinic, Arizona to establish a successful academic-practice partnership.

NOTE: This webinar is open to everyone including non-members, communities of interest, practice representatives, and AACN member schools including deans, faculty, staff and students

Webinar Speakers

Teresa L. Connolly, DNP, RN
Chief Nursing Officer
Chair, Department of Nursing
Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Dr. Connolly has over 26 years of experience in nursing and 20 of those years in various leadership roles. Teresa received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, her Master of Science in Nursing and her Doctor in Nursing Practice from Loyola University in Chicago, both degrees with a focus on nursing administration. Teresa is board certified as a Nurse Executive Advanced from the ANCC, a member of the American Organization of Nurse Executives, American Nurses Association, American College of Healthcare Executives and Sigma Theta Tau International. Teresa is also the president of the Arizona Organization Nurse Executives. As a part of the leadership team that built the first Mayo Clinic designed hospital, Teresa was instrumental in developing the nursing staffing and recruiting plans for the new facility. Today, Teresa is the Chief Nursing Officer and is responsible for over 1,800 FTE’s across an integrated inpatient and ambulatory practice and has oversight for the three Mayo Clinic shields; research, education and practice.

Katherine Kenny, DNP, RN
Associate Dean
College of Nursing & Health Innovation
Arizona State University

Dr. Kenny received her Doctorate of Nursing Practice at Arizona State University in 2008 and is currently Associate Dean at Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation. Her research interests include evidence-based practice, leadership, pain management and palliative care, and patient education. Dr. Kenny has several publications focusing improving patient care and she has been honored with several awards, including Outstanding DNP Faculty Award, at Arizona State’s CONHI. She is the Principal Investigator: Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship. HRSA Grant.

Brenda Morris, EdD, RN
Assistant Dean
College of Nursing & Health Innovation
Arizona State University

Dr. Morris is the Assistant Dean at Arizona State University College of Nursing & Health Innovation. Dr. Morris received her EdD in Higher Education/Higher Education Administration from Arizona State University in 1999. She leads the implementation and evaluation of Undergraduate Nursing (Prelicensure, Post-Baccalaureate and RN/BSN) and Interprofessional Health programs (Community Health, Integrative Health, Health Care Coordination) within the College of Nursing & Health Innovation. She is an experienced nurse educator and academic program administrator with expertise in undergraduate and graduate nursing and inter professional health-related programs; curriculum development and evaluation; accreditation and regulatory standards; faculty development; distance education; interprofessional education; and systematic program evaluation.

Katherine S. Peterson, MSN, RN
Program Manager
Clinical and Patient Education, Mayo Clinic Arizona
Instructor in Nursing, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Adjunct Faculty, Arizona State University

Katie’s clinical nursing experience includes orthopedic, trauma and emergency nursing across the life span. Her nursing education experience includes complex care, research utilization, quality improvement and evidence-based practice instruction in multiple pre-licensure nursing programs. Katie also serves on several local committees/workgroups focused on improving the quality and safety of patient care; fostering inter-professional education opportunities for students, new graduate nurses and new hires; improving communication and teamwork using TeamStepps®; mentoring clinical nurses through the evidence-based practice and nursing research processes; and developing traditional and simulation-based curriculums to meet the educational needs of undergraduate nursing students and healthcare providers. She is the co-leader of the Interprofessional Education Workgroup at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Katie has taught in the Arizona State University pre-licensure nursing program on the Mayo campus since 2009 and is currently the manager of the program.

Teri Pipe, PhD
College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Arizona State University

Dr. Teri Pipe is dean of the College of Nursing and Health Innovation at Arizona State University. Dr.Pipe was selected as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow. Dr. Pipe is an expert on nursing leadership with a focus on interprofessionalism. Her research interests include: resilience in professional and clinical populations, health promotion and wellness, positive coping and stress management, oncology, and gerontology. Dr. Pipe is a co-founder of the Workforce Outcomes Research and Leadership Development (WORLD) Institute, an innovative academic practice collaborative initiated by Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation, DFCI, and Brigham and Women's Hospital aimed at pooling knowledge, expertise, and resources to identify, quantify and develop exemplary leadership in care delivery.

Belinda Lee Curtis, MSN, RN-BC
Nurse Administrator, Clinical and Patient Education
Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Belinda Curtis is the Nurse Administrator for Clinical and Patient Education at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. She has administrative oversight for clinical nursing, allied health and patient education. In addition, she is responsible for the Arizona State University/Mayo Clinic campus; a program manager and Mayo Clinic bedside nurses serve as adjunct faculty for 32 ASU pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing students. Ms. Curtis received her Bachelors in Science in Nursing from Arizona State University and her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Phoenix. She has held positions in nursing education for the past 25 years publishing and presenting on nursing education topics, and her education and research interests include competency assessment and interprofessional education. Ms. Curtis is board certified in Nursing Professional Development, a member of the Association of Nursing Professional Development (ANPD), and Sigma Theta Tau. Currently, she also holds the Vice-President position for the local chapter of the AZ ANPD.

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