Webinar Overview

This Webinar will provide an overview of the advancement of a state-of-the-art partnership between The University of Iowa College of Nursing and the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. The presenters will discuss the processes of building a strong union between academic and practice institutions.

NOTE: This Webinar is open to everyone including non-members, communities of interest, practice representatives, and AACN member schools including deans, faculty, staff and students. 

Webinar Speaker

Ann Marie McCarthy, PhD, RN
Professor & Associate Dean for Research
College of Nursing
The University of Iowa

Dr. McCarthy is a Professor in the Colleges of Nursing, Medicine and Public Health at The University of Iowa, and the Associate Dean for Research in the College of Nursing. She has been the Director of the Nursing PhD program and Chair of the Parent, Child & Family Area in the College of Nursing. As a pediatric nurse, PNP, and pediatric psychologist, Dr. McCarthy has focused her research expertise on the care of children with chronic health conditions, leading interdisciplinary teams to address complex problems. She has a program of research on cognitive-behavioral interventions to assist children in coping with painful procedures funded with multiple NIH grants, and is currently a dual PI on a T32 in pain. In addition, Dr. McCarthy has carried out research on school health including studies on medication administration in schools and the impact of diabetes on academic achievement in children. She is active professionally, participating in research leadership roles in multiple organizations, including the Institute of Pediatric Nursing, the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Council on the Advancement of Nursing Science, and the National Association of School Nurses. She has received multiple awards for her research and career achievements. Dr. McCarthy works closely with Dr. Tucker in developing research and evidence based initiatives for nurses at the University of Iowa College of Nursing and the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Both are currently on a team that is revising the Iowa Model of Evidence Based Practice.

Sharon Tucker, PhD, RN, FAAN, PMHCNS-BC
Director of Nursing Research, Evidence-Based Practice & Quality
Department of Nursing & Patient Care Services
University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics

Dr. Tucker is the Director for Research and Evidence-Based Practice in the Department of Nursing & Patient Care Services at University of Iowa (UI) Hospital & Clinics. She is a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, an alumna of the Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellows Program and board certified as a Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist (PMHCNS-BC). Dr. Tucker joined UI Hospital & Clinics in January 2011 after serving in a similar role for nine years at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Tucker’s clinical, teaching and research experiences have included a strong focus on women and children, promotion of health and wellness, and prevention of disease. She has cultivated a focus on working mothers and particularly nurses and has studied nurses’ stress levels, self-care activities, and work-site interventions to promote health and wellness, and reduce stress with an emphasis on physical activity integrated into the daily routines. She also studies interventions to promote self-management in patients with chronic disease and translation of research findings using EBP models/processes. Dr. Tucker and her accomplished staff provide leadership and training on implementation of EBP and research in nursing for UI Hospital & Clinics and across the country and world. Dr. Tucker has active NIH funding; is a member of several committees/boards for nursing, obesity and/or women and children’s heath; mentors undergraduate and graduate students; and partners with external colleagues from Mayo Clinic, Iowa State University and Johns Hopkins University. She also serves part-time as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner for Johnson County.

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