Multi-Mini Interviews – A Holistic Admissions Assessment Tool
Webinar Details & Objectives
For institutions who have embraced a holistic review of candidates in their admissions process, Multi-Mini Interviews (MMIs) can offer a valuable assessment tool to the attributes and competencies valued by your program and institution. Through a series of carefully designed scenario-based interviews, MMIs were introduced at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med) in 2013 and have become an integral part of the evaluation of each applicant. This webinar will provide an overview of the MMI process at UNR Med, document how MMIs are used by the admissions committee, and offer insights about the resources required to successfully introduce MMIs into your admissions process.
- Create an awareness of how MMIs can offer an additional assessment tool in the admissions process.
- Introduce the key components of MMIs including scenario development, interviewer training, and event logistics.
- Provide a list of questions to consider when evaluating whether to add MMIs to your application review process.

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, Director of Admissions
Tamara Martinez-Anderson has spent her 20-year career in higher education as an admissions professional. Early in her career, as an assistant dean at Gonzaga University School of Law she was involved in developing processes that moved the review of law school applications from a metrics-heavy emphasis to one that valued a holistic review of a candidate’s experiences, personal attributes, and professional competencies.
In her current role as the Director of Admissions at the University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine (UNR Med), Martinez-Anderson oversees pipeline development initiatives aimed at creating a more diverse and prepared applicant pool. She directs a highly holistic review process built on a rubric that evaluates each candidate on ten essential competencies based upon the institutional mission and values at UNR Med. In addition, she is responsible for the delivery of over 330 Multi-Mini Interviews each year and unconscious bias training for over 200 MMI interviewers and all members of the admission staff and committee.
Martinez-Anderson has served as a consultant with the AACN and has been part of the team delivering Holistic Admissions Review Workshops.
Pricing and CE Credit
This webinar is free to deans, faculty, staff and students from . All non-member audiences will be required to pay a $59 webinar fee.
Continuing Education Credits