Innovative Primary Care Nursing Academic Practice Partnership
Webinar Details & Objectives
Join the University of San Francisco (USF) as they explore their Joint Venture Health Initiative that received ´¡´¡°ä±·â€™s 2019 Innovations in Professional Nursing Education Award for Private Colleges/Universities.
This academic-practice partnership began in 2015 between USF and the largest Federally Qualified Health Center in the Bay Area, known as La ClÃnica de la Raza. Learn how students with Spanish speaking proficiency have been participating in primary care clinical rotations in response to the need to transform primary care through expanding the primary care nursing role.
- Define the need for primary care nursing emphasis in nursing education
- Discuss primary care nursing academic-practice partnership
- Describe successes and challenges with development, implementation, and sustainability of primary care nursing academic practice partnership
´¡´¡°ä±·â€™s Innovations in Professional Nursing Education Award recognizes the outstanding work of AACN member schools to re-envision traditional models for nursing education and lead programmatic change.
Register for additional webinars that highlight our 2019 Innovations in Professional Nursing Education Award Winners:
- March 17, 2020 at 2:00 pm (ET)
Innovative Post-Graduate Mentoring - April 8, 2020 at 2:00 pm (ET)
Innovations in Professional Nursing Education: Competency Based Education & UWM’s Flexible Option - May 12, 2020 at 2:00 pm (ET)
Innovative Curriculum Strategies to Prepare Nurses Utilizing Technology

Associate Dean for Prelicensure Programs and Accreditation & Professor
University of San Francisco
Dr. Ziehm has 30 years of experience teaching and serving as an academic administrator overseeing Master’s Entry programs. He has been an invited consultant to over 20 universities to either develop or revise accelerated programs that offer entre to nursing for second career students. He has published nationally and internationally on this work. In 2018, he presented at the AACN Masters Conference titled, “Accelerated Masters-Entry Programs: Structuring a Program Built for Success.â€
Since 2015, Dr. Ziehm has served as the Associate Dean for Prelicensure Programs and Accreditation and Professor at the University of San Francisco, School of Nursing and Health Professions. His work on this initiative focused on making revisions to ensure the program met high quality outcomes for the students and the partnership.

Assistant Professor & Chair Graduate Nursing
University of San Francisco
Mary Donnelly, DNP, MPH, ANP-BC, ACNP-BC, CNL has a record of leadership and advocacy for increasing patient access to primary care and advocating for the increased presence of nursing leadership in primary care settings.
Dr. Donnelly has provided primary care for over 40 years in a variety of settings on three continents. This experience has provided her with the expertise in practice and in graduate education to foster and promote independence, ethical behavior, critical thinking and sensitivity to the varied perspectives of culturally diverse populations.
Dr. Donnelly was a site supervisor for a nurse run community health center is Baltimore, MD which provided healthcare resources for community member with no insurance or insufficient health insurance while precepting medical residents and graduate nursing students in primary care management of chronic diseases. She received the Johns Hopkins Biennial Retreat in Primary Care, Service Excellence Award for this work. Dr. Donnelly also received a grant award for over $9,000.00 to evaluate a program for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk factors in the Urban Environment, sponsored by Urban Health Institute.
As an educator, Dr. Donnelly has 12 years of experience working with Masters’ entry into nursing programs, formerly with the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and currently with the San Francisco School of Nursing and Health Professions. She is currently serving on a task force with the AAACN to develop guidelines for academic and practice partnerships.

Assistant Professor
University of San Francisco
Erica Hooper-Arana has nursing experience working in the areas of geriatrics, pediatrics, primary care, public health, leadership, program development, research, and education. She has a BSN and DNP in Health Care Systems Leadership from the University of San Francisco. She also has an MSN in Advanced Community Health and International Nursing with a minor in Education from the University of California San Francisco. She has been a nurse educator at the University of San Francisco since 2005.
At USF Erica Hooper-Arana serves as faculty lead for the Joint Venture Health Initiative (JVHI), which is a clinical option designed to prepare nursing master’s-entry students for nursing roles in primary care. She was a participant in the 2016 Macy Conference on preparing registered nurses for enhanced roles in primary care. In 2019, she co-authored a poster presented at the annual AAACN conference that described the incorporation of ambulatory care competencies in USF nursing education. She recently published a co-authored Nurse Educator manuscript describing the pilot years of JVHI. She is also a co-author for the 2019 AACN award nomination for innovations in professional nursing education based on JVHI, which led to USF being selected as recipient of the award and to the fruition of this webinar.
Additionally, Erica Hooper-Arana is a Caritas Coach® and has a passion for alternative healing practices as well as promoting the health and wellness of vulnerable populations. She has an expertise working in community health with an emphasis on juvenile justice system-involved youth.
Pricing and CE Credit
This webinar is free to deans, faculty, staff and students from . All non-member audiences will be required to pay a $59 webinar fee.
Continuing Education Credits

Eligible attendees may receive one continuing nursing education (CNE) contact hour for participating in this webinar. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is an accredited CNE-provider by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.