“How To’s” for Building a Competency-Based Education Program
Webinar Details
This webinar will discuss step by step processes that can be taken to move faculty colleagues toward competency-based education aligned with the new AACN Essentials. Approaches for conducting an effective and useful curriculum mapping will be discussed and strategies for making the process easier for colleagues will be demonstrated. Examples for application of the sub-competencies appropriate to pre-licensure, RN-BSN, and graduate education will be shared along with ideas to operationalize this new alignment on a small and large scale.
Stay tuned for details on future webinars in this series on this page.
For the latest updates and resources on the new ǰ Essentials, visit .
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit ǰ On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Gerry Altmiller,EdD, APRN, ACNS-BC, ANEF, FAAN
Professor of Nursing
The College of New Jersey
Gerry Altmiller, EdD, APRN, ACNS-BC, ANEF, FAAN, is a professor of nursing at The College of New Jersey, a clinical nurse specialist consultant for Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and has pioneered the integration of quality and safety competencies in nursing education since 2006 when she served as a faculty leader for one of the 15 pilot schools for the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Collaboration. She currently is a national consultant for QSEN and director of the Quality and Safety Innovation Center at The College of New Jersey. She leads the QSEN Academic Task Force, creating opportunities for its 110 members to network, share ideas, and conduct academic focused research. Dr. Altmiller authored the Teamwork and Communication Module of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing’s Transition to Practice program and in 2014 she received a Lindback Award for distinguished teaching. Her work on constructive feedback led to the development, testing, and dissemination of support tools for nurse educators and learning tools for students to view feedback as an opportunity. Dr. Altmiller was co-editor of a special QSEN issue of Nurse Educator and currently serves on the journal’s editorial board. Her research focuses on clinical evaluation, QSEN integration, and communication challenges in educational and practice environments.
Pricing and CE Credit
This webinar is free to all.
Continuing Education Credits
Eligible attendees may receive one continuing nursing education (CNE) contact hour for participating in this webinar. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is an accredited CNE-provider by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) works with the National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE) to provide CPH credits.