Bridging the Transition from Military to Academic Nursing Faculty: Part I
This Webinar 1) Provides an insight to the valuable attributes of the military nurse and vast clinical expertise that can be an asset to any faculty, 2) Offers suggestions on how Deans and faculty leadership can recruit, mentor, and transition the military nurse to an academic setting/career opportunity, and 3) Discusses the frank challenges and successes of bridging the transition from Military to Academic nursing faculty roles
NOTE:This Webinar is open to everyone including non-members, communities of interest, practice representatives, and AACN member schools including deans, faculty, staff, and students
Webinar Speakers
Myrna L. Armstrong EdD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
Colonel, USA (Retired)
Professor Emerita
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Dr. Armstrong is currently a Professor Emerita from the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, located in Lubbock TX, as well as a Nursing Consultant. In addition, she retired from the military after serving for 29 years in the U.S. Army Reserves. She was activated for deployment during Desert Storm and held the rank of Colonel at the time of her retirement. Recently she has co-authored several articles in national and international nursing journals about civilian nurses caring for veterans from the Global War on Terror (Iraq and Afghanistan), as well as prior-era conflicts.
Patricia Allen, EdD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN
Director of the Nurse Educator Track
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Dr. Allen is a Professor from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, located in Lubbock TX where she directs the Nursing Education Track in the graduate program. She is the past founding Director of the Center for Innovation in Nursing Education at Texas Tech and has served as a nursing education consultant to schools of nursing in the areas of curriculum building and evaluation, program start-up and program expansion. Recently she has co-authored several articles concerning curriculum content inclusion for veterans care as well as knowledge needed for civilian nurses caring for veterans from the Global War on Terror.
Donna Lake, PhD, RN, NEA-Board Certified
Colonel USAF NC (Retired)
Clinical Associate Professor
Masters of Nursing Science, Leadership Concentration
College of Nursing
East Carolina University

Dr. Lake is a Clinical Associate Professor in the East Carolina University (ECU) College of Nursing (CON) since 2008. Prior to her appointment at ECU, she retired as a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force with 25-years of service in various roles as a medical CEO, clinical operations officer, chief nurse executive at several locations in various health systems worldwide. Also, was practice manger for 6 ambulatory care large family practice and multispecialty clinic sites. She also held clinical nurse roles spanning 11 clinical areas to include trauma nursing and served as a leader in Department of Defense (DoD) and USAF corporate quality improvement (QI) and population health programs for 64 world-wide medical facilities. She has specific expertise and supervision experience in inter-professional leadership and teamwork, QI policy and curriculum development and instruction with DoD, Veterans Affairs and non-military healthcare and international partners. She has directed numerous quality improvement programs at the clinical practice level and currently directs and teaches graduate level nursing courses in healthcare economics and quality improvement clinical service delivery and outcomes, and nursing leadership outcomes. Experience also includes nursing leadership roles in Germany, Africa, and Middle East, and currently practices and leads inter-professional study abroad in Nicaragua with the ECU CON School of Nursing & ECU School of Med Cardiology program. Dr Lake, is the only nurse representative on the National and ECU Brody School of Medicine’s American Medical Association $1 Million Grant on reforming medical education in the areas of quality improvement, leadership, population health and interprofessional practice. Research experience includes adolescent health behaviors, quality improvement curriculum design and local and international nursing leadership. Also, Dr Lake is the NC Organization of Nurse Leaders President and recipient of the 2014 ECU Alumni Association Outstanding Teaching Award and Sigma Theta Tau Beta Nu Chapter Excellence in Leadership Award (2013).