Webinar Description

This Webinar discusses the integration of population health into nursing curricula using the national initiative as an example. Three exemplars of teaching and practice within the Million Hearts framework will be presented including:

  • to Advance Million Hearts® (NIEPCAMH), which was designed to facilitate the partnering and synchronization of interprofessional academic institutions, healthcare facilities, and communities in initiating and promoting cardiovascular screenings and behavioral lifestyle education to the community.
  • CDC implementation of the Million Hearts initiative, including development of resource materials for nursing practice.
This webinar is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Academic Partnerships to Improve Health.

Pricing and CE Credit

This webinar is free and open to everyone including non-members, communities of interest, practice representatives, and AACN member schools including deans, faculty, staff, and students.
Continuing Education Credits:

Eligible attendees may receive one continuing nursing education (CNE) contact hour for participating in this webinar. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is an accredited CNE-provider by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

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