Webinar Details & Objectives

This webinar will cover models developed and implemented for establishing inter-rater reliability in holistic admissions processes. These models have shown to help admissions committees and programs at the University of Washington by providing a fair and equitable review process for undergraduate and graduate admissions, while ensuring faculty and staff workload efficiency and integrity in making decisions.


  • Explore & discuss the importance of inter-rater reliability in holistic admissions review.
  • Discuss how schools can achieve inter-rater reliability in their process.

Pricing and CE Credit

This webinar is free to deans, faculty, staff and students from . All non-member audiences will be required to pay a $59 webinar fee.

Continuing Education Credits
Eligible attendees may receive one continuing nursing education (CNE) contact hour for participating in this webinar. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is an accredited CNE-provider by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

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