Webinar Description

Advancements in teaching methods for health professions education and the practice of nursing have resulted in the need to enhance immunization resources for educating future nurses. In response, the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases initiated the Immunization Resources for Undergraduate Nursing (IRUN) project to improve the integration of immunization content in undergraduate nursing education. Experts with diverse nursing perspectives developed resources to increase immunization content in undergraduate nursing curricula and ensure a future nursing workforce that supports the Healthy People 2020 immunization objectives. This webinar will present the new curriculum framework and associated resources including case studies, PowerPoint presentations, and simulation scripts. Faculty will be encouraged to assess their existing curricula and incorporate elements of the framework and resources.

  • Explain the immunization resources for undergraduate nursing (IRUN) project including target audience, contributing members, goals, history and development of the IRUN framework.
  • Evaluate the process of content mapping in a prelicensure nursing program, specific to immunization content mapping.
  • Demonstrate navigation of the IRUN website and resources available.

Pricing and CE Credit

This webinar is free and open to everyone including non-members, communities of interest, practice representatives, and AACN member schools including deans, faculty, staff, and students.
Continuing Education Credits:

Eligible attendees may receive one continuing nursing education (CNE) contact hour for participating in this webinar. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is an accredited CNE-provider by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

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