Webinar Details & Objectives

Given the lessons learned from COVID-19, the academic nursing community must come together to identify gaps in nursing workforce development that will enhance our readiness to respond to future public health threats. To strengthen the nursing workforce during COVID-19 and for future pandemics and epidemics, it is critical that we identify the gaps in nursing workforce development that have contributed to a glaring lack of pandemic readiness. It is imperative that policy-makers, nurse educators, organizations, and systems that oversee and provide health care understand the unique characteristics associated with nursing’s role in health care and public health emergency preparedness, what activities are required to prepare the nursing workforce for these roles, and who is responsible for conducting, supporting, and maintaining those activities.

In a report published by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, an analytic logic model articulates the myriad factors that influence nursing workforce development for pandemics at the government, system, organization, and individual levels and identifies some of the relevant stakeholders who can influence decision-making around nursing workforce development within these strata.

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This webinar is free to deans, faculty, staff and students from AACN member and nonmember schools.

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