Enhancing Public Trust and Health with COVID-19 Vaccination: Planning Recommendations
Webinar Details & Objectives
The protracted COVID-19 pandemic has placed multiple stresses upon the US public - the threat of ill health and death, the isolating effects of physical distancing measures, and the uncertainties and hardships associated with disrupted economic activities. People’s resilience is being sorely tested. Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is taking extraordinary steps to develop SARS-CoV-2 vaccines as swiftly as possible. Despite vaccination’s promise of release, some Americans - including those most at risk of COVID-19 impacts - may miss out on this life-preserving public health measure. Some may worry about the safety of a vaccine, be mistrustful of vaccine manufacturers, the agencies that regulate the industry, and/or the public health authorities recommending the products. For others, the issue may be access: will a COVID-19 vaccine be affordable, easy to get to without losing wages or riding on a bus, and/or provided in a place that feels safe. What can be done to ensure that target populations benefit from SARS-CoV-2 vaccines? Join us for this webinar and hear how nurses will play a critical role in the national vaccine campaign.
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Webinar Resources
View the On-Demand COVID-19 related webinars, listed below:
- Making Informed Decisions in Response to COVID-19
- F.A.S.T: Academic Nurse Educators Respond to COVID-19
- Bridging the Gap- Implementing Technology to Deliver Courses Online
- A Call to Leadership: Navigating Uncharted Waters
- Aligning Simulation within COVID-19 Contingency Plans
- COVID-19: Update from Nursing Leadership on the Front Lines
- Teaching Nursing Students How to Manage Crisis During COVID-19
- COVID-19: Breaking Through Denial to Action
- COVID-19 Series: Techniques to Teach Assessment Online NOW!
- Public Health: Nursing Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Considering Pass or No Pass education in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Public Health Insight into the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Creating Calm and Civility during Uncertain Times
- Interprofessional Teaching and Collaborative Practice During COVID-19: A Community Conversation
- Moving Your Admissions Process Online During COVID-19
- Making the Pivot: Online Learning During COVID-19
- Preparing & Transitioning Students to Telehealth Clinical Hours in Graduate Education
These webinars are free and open to the public. Recordings of the webinars will be available soon after the webinars air.

Professor of Nursing and Public Health, Visiting Scholar
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Tener Goodwin Veenema is an internationally recognized expert in disaster nursing and public health emergency preparedness. As president and chief executive officer of the Tener Consulting Group, LLC, Dr. Veenema served as senior consultant to the U.S. Government, including the departments of Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs, the Administration for Children and Families, and most recently the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Her decision-support software and information technology applications for disaster response have been presented at conferences around the globe. Her scholarship includes the leading international text in the field, Disaster Nursing: Disaster Nursing and Emergency Preparedness for Chemical, Biological and Radiological Terrorism and Other Hazards (Springer, 3rd Edition, 2013), and two nationally award-winning Disaster e-Learning Courses, Red Cross ReadyRN Disaster and Emergency Preparedness for Health Services (American Red Cross, 2007) and ReadyRN (Elsevier, MC Strategies, 2008).

Senior Scholar
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Dr. Schoch-Spana, a medical anthropologist, is a Senior Scholar with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and a Senior Scientist in the Department of Environmental Health & Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. She also holds faculty positions at the Department of Anthropology at Texas State University and the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). Her areas of expertise include community resilience to disaster, public engagement in policymaking, crisis and risk communication, and public health emergency preparedness.
Dr. Schoch-Spana has led research, education, and advocacy efforts to encourage authorities to enlist the public’s contributions in epidemic and disaster management. Her studies have been influential in debunking myths about mass behaviors in the context of bioterrorism, reframing the management of catastrophic health events to include social and ethical-moral dimensions, and persuading leaders to share governance dilemmas with the public including how to allocate scarce medical resources in a disaster. She has chaired national working groups to produce peer-reviewed, evidence-based consensus guidance for authorities on how to partner with citizens and civil society in relation to bioterrorism response, influenza pandemic planning, and nuclear incident preparedness, and she has organized 3 national meetings on how to strengthen community resilience to extreme health events.

Associate Professor of Anthropology
Texas State University
Dr. Brunson is a medical anthropologist with training in cultural and biological anthropology as well as public health. She has been involved with a variety of research projects relating to health including studies of diabetes care in the US, the impact of household decision-making on child growth and development in Kenya, and safe water practices in India. She is currently working on two research projects: an examination of people’s experiences living without health insurance in central Texas, and a study of how U.S. parents’ decisions about their children’s vaccinations are developed over time in concert with their social networks.
Pricing and CE Credit
This webinar is free to deans, faculty, staff and students from AACN member and nonmember schools.
Continuing Education Credits
CE will not be offered for this webinar.