Nursing Research: Grants & Resources
Webinar Overview
The Washington Regional Nursing Research Consortium (WRNRC) will be holding the 5th Annual Doctoral Student Research Conference. The keynote address will offer information related to grants and resources which will be helpful to doctoral students in their future scholarship and will be offered live through a virtual Webinar.
This Webinar is hosted by AACN’s Research Leadership Network, the Graduate Nursing Student Academy, and the Washington Regional Nursing Research Consortium.
Webinar Speaker
Susan Foster Marden, PhD, RN
Program Director/Health Science Administration
Office of Extramural Science Programs
National Institute of Nursing Research, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Susan Marden is a Health Scientist Administrator in the Office of Extramural Science Programs at the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), National Institutes of Health (NIH). She serves as Program Director overseeing a portfolio of research focused on symptom science, quality of life, pain, and clinical research methods. She participates also on multiple trans-NIH committees to include the NIH Pain Consortium, NIH Common Fund: PROMIS, NIH Bioethics, and NIH Data, Safety and Monitoring.
Dr. Marden has worked at the NIH for over 25 years in both the intramural and extramural programs. Within the intramural program, she held advanced practice and research positions to include Clinical Nurse Specialist for Cardiac, Pulmonary, Hematology and Diagnostic Labs and Clinical Nurse Scientist. As a Clinical Nurse Scientist, she acted as Principal Investigator working with clinicians and senior physician investigators across NIH Institutes to develop a portfolio of research focused on health-related quality of life and symptom experiences of patients undergoing novel treatment modalities for a variety of acute and chronic illnesses. In addition, she pursued her keen interest in theoretical model development by testing her framework, The Technology Dependence and Health-Related Quality of Life Model, in patients with implantable defibrillators. Throughout her research career, Dr. Marden has focused on mentorship for transitioning novice nurse researchers to expert investigators. She received the “NIH Clinical Center Director’s Award” (2001) in recognition of her outstanding contributions and dedication in mentoring nurses in the Clinical Center. Dr. Marden has received research awards from the Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society (2000) and from the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (1998). She has also received awards from the United States Public Health Service in recognition of her publications in nursing research (2006;2008), clinical practice (2006) and health policy (2005). Most recently, Dr. Marden received a “NIH Director Award” (2013) in recognition of her outstanding work in developing and implementing NIH Centers of Excellence in Pain Education (COEPEs).
Prior to her appointment at NINR, Dr. Marden was a Scientific Review Officer for the NIH Center for Scientific Review and a Consultant in the Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education at the NIH Clinical Center. She received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Georgetown University, a Master of Science in Nursing from Boston University, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Nursing Science from the University of Maryland.