$5,000 or More
- Darlene J. Curley
- Barb Trautman, In Memory of Elaine Trautman
- Deb Trautman, In Memory of Elaine Trautman
- Unitek Learning
$2,500 to $4,999
- ATI Nursing Education
- Judy A. Beal
- On behalf of the SONIFI Health Team
$500 to $2,499
- Barbara Norquist
- Bonnie and Mark Barnes
- The DaSilva Family, In Memory of Colleen Balestrieri
- Philip and Lydia Greiner
- Debra Heinrich
- Jane Kirschling in celebration of Deb Trautman’s leadership of AACN and academic nursing.
- Jamie M. Koonmen
- Rahul Gupta
- LiquidCompass
- Daniel Scott Michalski
- Jeri A. Milstead
- Suzanne Miyamoto
- Bonnie Pilon
- The Powers Family, In Memory of Joseph Mancino
- Lisa Rosalie
- Julie Sanford, In honor of Dr. Julie Sebastian
- Julie Sanford, In honor of Marion Broome
- Shilston & Associates, In Memory of C. Larry Peters
- Sonitor Technologies, In Memory of Larry Peters
- The Nurse Speak - NCLEX Strategies for Success
- Joachim Voss
- Terri E. Weaver
- Ann White
Up to $499
- Carole and Joe Abbatiello, In Memory of N. Catharine Stroemer
- Pam Amikam, In memory of Sylvia Andrews
- Angela Smith
- Anonymous, In Memory of Ashley O'Brian
- In Memory of Fannie Jean Gaston-Johansson
- Anonymous, In Memory of Barbara Charlaris
- Anonymous, In Memory of N. Catharine Stroemer
- Anonymous, In Memory of N. Catharine Stroemer
- Leslie Ann Arenal
- Kristin Ashford
- Mary Bell, In honor of retiree Barb Miller
- Birdie family in honor of Colleen Balestrieri
- Daniel Bradshaw, In memory of Barbara Norquist
- Pamela Brown
- In Memory of Joan Labriola
- Denise Castle, In Memory of Ashley O'Brian
- Chattanooga Bunco Gal Pals, In Memory of Ashley O'Brian
- Randy & Martha Cutrell in honor of James Luse
- In memory of Angela Smith
- Dennis, Kerri, Marshall & Liam, In Memory of N. Catherine Stroemer
- Annemarie Dowling-Castronovo
- Faydra Drennan
- Elise Dummermuth
- Lori Escallier
- Lisa Feldmann, In respect for Martha Weston Feldmann's many years of Nursing Service
- John Greco
- Jim and Julie Hamilton, In Memory of N. Catharine Stroemer
- Marcus Henderson
- In memory of Barbara Norquist
- James Lani, PhD
- Jackson Family, In Memory of N. Catharine Stroemer
- JDJ Family Office Services
- Lake View Boat Club
- Richard I. Levin
- Kathy Lewis
- Lewis-Memorial Foundation
- Cynthia McCurren
- Capt & Mrs. Michael McHugh, In Memory of N. Catharine Stroemer
- Jeanette McNeill
- In Honor of Carol Miller
- Ross & Sara, Honoring the Renowned, Inimitable Mrs. Ann Mostofi, MSN, RN, NEA-BC
- MTI America
- Getrude Nguatem
- Dorothy Forde
- Leslie & Clayton Owen, In memory of Colleen Balestrieri
- Susan Panzitta, In Memory of Mary Beth Fisher Clark
- Angela Phillips
- Daniel Phipps
- The Prosper Family, In Memory of Joan Holzhauer
- in memory of Sharon A. Mathews, RN
- J
- Jack
- George & Deb Reifenstein, In Memory of Miranda Schachinger
- Steven Reiss, In Memory of N. Catharine Stroemer
- Dr. Rita Trofino
- Rita Trofino
- Julie Sanford
- Sheryl, in honor of RN Lisa who eased my mother's passing at HCA Florida Lake City Hospital
- Scott & Dorothy, In Memory of N. Catharine Stroemer
- Juliann G. Sebastian
- In Memory of Angela (Angi) Smith
- In Memory of Barbara Norquist
- Monica Spina-Forni in Memory of Barbara Norquist
- In honor of Marilyn Sweeney
- Teresa & Jim, In Memory of N. Catharine Stroemer
- Janelle Thomas
- Susan Engle DNP, RN, PHN
- Maeve Howett
- Terri E. Weaver, In Memory of Joseph Ahearn
- Nate and Julie Wolfe, In memory of Angela Marie Smith