ELNEC Support for Nurses During Covid-19

ELNEC | End-of-life nursing education consortium | Advancing Palliative Care | Since 2000

End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) project is a national and international education initiative to improve palliative care. Learn more. The ELNEC COVID-19 section is supported by grant funding from the Cambia Health Foundation and Pfizer.

Visit the ELNEC Materials tab for free modules including slides, recorded presentations, infographics, video vignettes, and more. Visit the Resources tabs for materials, websites, and webinars from our palliative care colleagues.

Hello to all of our ELNEC "Family" of Trainers!

The ELNEC (End of Life Nursing Education Consortium) project has developed this section on our website with free resources, materials and links that we would like to share with our colleagues at this time. The materials include some ELNEC modules for use in training and supporting staff as well as other items we hope are helpful in these challenging times. Please bookmark this page (www.aacnnursing.org/ELNEC/COVID-19) and check back as we continue to update. The ELNEC team extends our support for all clinicians providing palliative care. There has never been a time when our communities need all that palliative care provides.

The ELNEC Team
Betty Ferrell, Haley Buller, Andrea Garcia-Ortiz, Maribel Tejada, Lily Correa, & Ryan Tejada

Acknowledging all the ELNEC faculty who contributed materials: Vanessa Battista, RN, MS, CPNP, CCRC, Constance Dahlin, MSN, ANP-BC, ACHPN®, FPCN, FAAN, Betty Ferrell, RN, PhD, MA, FAAN, FPCN, CHPN, Carol Long, PhD, RN, FPCN, FAAN, Polly Mazanec PhD, ACNP-C, AOCN, ACHPN, FPCN, FAAN, Judith Paice, RN, PhD, FAAN, Billy Rosa, PhD, MBE, ACHPN, FAANP, FAAN, Cheryl Ann Thaxton, DNP, RN, CPNP, FNP-BC, CHPPN, ACHPN, FPCN, Rose Virani, RNC, MHA, FPCN, & Dorothy Wholihan, DNP, AGPCNP-BC, ACHPN.

A video celebrating the ELNEC trainers and palliative care nurse colleagues working through the COVID-19 pandemic. Developed by Vanessa Battista, RN, MS, CPNP, CCRC and Yesel Arvizu, MBA.

by Johnson & Johnson
Throughout history, nurses have brought innovation to patient care that has profoundly changed human health. Because nurses change lives. And that changes everything.

by Burt Bacharach
Please enjoy this virtual “concert” by the fabulous students at Berklee College of Music in Boston. They can't be together to graduate together, so they did this instead.

by Carolyn Jones
Film-maker Carolyn Jones reminds America that under that mask and all that PPE is the face of care and compassion

The materials in this COVID-19 section are free to use, disseminate, and translate. Please include the ELNEC attribution statement on all electronic or printed ELNEC materials. You do not need our express permission to share these materials outside of your organization or online.

Attribution: When using ELNEC curriculum materials in any form, COH & AACN require clear attribution to the program by third parties through use the following statement, which is to be displayed prominently in instructional materials: The End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) Project is a national and international end-of-life/palliative care educational program administered by City of Hope (COH) designed to enhance palliative care in nursing. Materials are copyrighted by City of Hope and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and are used with permission.

NOTE: As you all know, things are rapidly evolving, and we recognize that some resources could seem out of date after just a week or two. Please note that we are updating and adding more resources weekly and we encourage you to check back. Specific updates will be announced through our email lists and social media.

  • Creating Joy & Resilience in Times of Uncertainty - PDF
    Materials Developed by Carol Long, PhD, RN, FPCN, FAAN
  • Caring for Older Adults in Long-Term Care during the Pandemic
  • See the Symptom Management section for infographics on how to manage symptoms in people with COVID-19

  • ELNEC Loss, Grief & Bereavement in a Pandemic Module
  • Complicated Grief and Loss: Uncharted Territory With COVID-19
    • and
  • Supporting Bereaved Staff
    • Developed by Billy Rosa, PhD, MBE, ACHPN, FAANP, FAAN
    • Nurse Coaching Process to Support Bereaved Staff - Infographic
    • A Clinical Leader’s Guide to Support Bereaved Staff During COVID-19

Developed by Cheryl Ann Thaxton, DNP, RN, CPNP, FNP-BC, CHPPN, ACHPN, FPCN

  • Assisting Children Whose Family Member is Sick or Dying of COVID-19
    Slides (PDF) v2 August 2020
  • Goals of Care Discussions for Parents and Caregivers of Sick or Dying COVID-19 Patients

  • Primary Palliative Care Amidst a Disaster
    • Developed by Polly Mazanec PhD, ACNP-C, AOCN, ACHPN, FPCN, FAAN
    • Slides (PDF)

  • Primary Palliative Oncology Nursing
    Developed by Billy Rosa, PhD, MBE, ACHPN, FAANP, FAAN, and Constance Dahlin, MSN, ANP-BC, ACHPN®, FPCN, FAAN
    • Primary Palliative Oncology Nursing Overview - Infographic
    • Domain 1: Structure and Processes of Care - Infographic
    • Domain 2: Physical Aspects of Care - Infographic
    • Domain 3: Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of Care - Infographic
    • Domain 4: Social Aspects of Care - Infographic
    • Domain 5: Spiritual, Religious, and Existential Aspects of Care - Infographic
    • Domain 6: Cultural Aspects of Care - Infographic
    • Domain 7: Care of the Patient Nearing the End of Life - Infographic
    • Domain 8: Ethical and Legal Aspects of Care - Infographic
    • Primary Palliative Oncology Nursing: Considering Suffering - Infographic

  • ELNEC Self-care Strategies to Deal with Moral Distress & Compassion Fatigue Module Materials developed and presented by Polly Mazanec PhD, ACNP-C, AOCN, ACHPN, FPCN, FAAN 
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Apps - Infographic

See Resources section for more from our palliative care colleagues on Self-Care, Moral Distress, and Resilience

  • Palliative Nursing: The Core of COVID-19 Care – Infographic
  • Nursing Management of Pain in People with COVID-19 – Infographic
  • Nursing Management of Dyspnea in People with COVID-19 – Infographic
  • Nursing Management of Cough in People with COVID-19 – Infographic
  • Nursing Management of Anxiety in People with COVID-19 – Infographic
  • Nursing Management of Delirium in People with COVID-19 – Infographic
  • Nursing Management of Long Haul COVID-19 – Infographic
  • Nonpharmacologic Management: Meditation / Mindfulness Apps - Infographic

COVID-19 Resources from our Palliative Care and Nursing colleagues:

  •  - Specific Phrases & Word Choices That Can Be Helpful When Dealing With COVID19 
    • , in partnership with the Conversation Project at IHI 
  • VitalTalk -
  •  – Communication video by Cynda Rushton, PhD, RN, FAAN, Johns Hopkins University

  • Association for Death Education and Counseling: 
  • Open to Hope - 
  • NHPCO –  
  • Healgrief.org -  
  • Cancer.gov - 

  • CDC - 
  • Childlife.org 
  • Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital - 
  • National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) – 
  • National Association of School Psychologist (NASP) and National Association of School Nurses (NASN) - 
  • Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition -  
  • Pediatric Palliative Care Webinars- 


Moral Distress and Moral Resilience

  • Resources by Cynda Rushton, PhD, RN, FAAN, Johns Hopkins University
    • Moral Resilience: Transforming Moral Suffering in Healthcare – textbook available on  or OUP – See flyer for discount
    •  (video)
    •  (video)

    •  (video)

    •  (video)

    •  (video)

    •  (video)


No upcoming webinars at this time.


Hosted by Sigma, Presented by Polly Mazanec, PHD, AOCN, ACHPN, FPCN, FAAN

Hosted by Sigma, Presented by Polly Mazanec, PHD, AOCN, ACHPN, FPCN, FAAN

Hosted by Relias, Presented by Ron Orth, RN, CMAC, CHC and Heather Tuttle, BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

Hosted by Relias, Presented by Board Certified Emergency Physician, Phil DiGiacomo, M.D., and Heather Tuttle, BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

Watch On Demand. 
Hosted by ANA and APIC. Presented by Kendra McMillan, MPH, RN and Terri Rebmann, PhD, RN, CIC, FAPIC

Audience: Faculty | Hosted by Sigma, Presented by Megan Lippe PhD, MSN, RN and Sara Kaylor EdD, RN, CNE

Audience: Students about to Graduate/New Nurses | Hosted by Sigma, Presented by Megan Lippe PhD, MSN, RN and Sara Kaylor

Audience: Nursing Students Continuing their Programs | Hosted by Sigma, Presented by Megan Lippe PhD, MSN, RN and Sara Kaylor

Hosted by Relias, Presented by Mary McGoldrick MS, RN, CRNI®

Hosted by Relias and PointClickCare, Presented by Pam Campbell, Market Insights Specialist, PointClickCare

Hosted by Relias, Presented by Polly Mazanec, PHD, AOCN, ACHPN, FPCN, FAAN 

Dear Colleagues,

We are aware of the challenges we are all facing with the rapid spread of the Coronavirus and the need for containment in colleges and universities. It is a difficult time for everyone, but we recognize the importance of the health and safety of our communities.

For those of you who are now required to work from home and teach remotely, if you are struggling with getting course work out to your students, we hope you will consider this an opportune time for the students to complete the online End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) Undergraduate or Graduate Curriculum. Both programs are six one-hour modules which you can integrate into your courses as an assignment. Then after completion of the modules, debriefing can be done using chat rooms or other similar online experiences in which you will find that the students engage quite effectively, and their learning is enhanced. 

If you have not seen the ELNEC Undergraduate or ELNEC Graduate Student Curriculum, we are happy to send you a link as soon as possible, so you can consider using it to meet some of your remote teaching requirements. Email elnec@coh.org to receive the link. Once you would like to pursue this route, confirm with us and we will also send the faculty materials that supplement the curricula along with tips to help your learners. Please visit  for more information. Module objectives, outlines and content are on the site to help you identify where this learning might fit as you plan to teach remotely.

Best wishes for a safe and healthy spring as we navigate this unknown territory across our nation. 

The ELNEC Team

                     The national ELNEC project team is working to provide palliative care resources to support nurses on the frontlines, ELNEC trainers, and nursing faculty.

The ELNEC team is led by Betty Ferrell, PhD, RN, shown here, advocating for nurses in the PBS NewsHour segment, Brief But Spectacular (air date 05/12/20).

“Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better.”

Florence Nightingale

  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) – Policy & Advocacy 
  • American Nurses Association (ANA) – 

Connect directly with other ELNEC trainers and friends through our new . Please feel free to share valuable resources and add your own comments or questions.  Please review the group rules. Individuals posts in the group are not endorsed by ELNEC. 

Support for COVID-19 – Publications

  1. Ferrell, B.R., Handzo, G., Picchi, T., Puchalski, C.P., & Rosa, W.E. (2020). The urgency of spiritual care: COVID-19 and the critical need for whole-person palliation. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 60(3), e7-e11. 
  2. Paice, J., Dahlin, C., Wholihan, D., Mazanec, P., Long, C., Thaxton, C., & Greer, K. (2020).  Palliative care for people with COVID-19 related symptoms. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 22(6), 421-427.  doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000692.
  3. Paice, J.A., Wholihan, D., Dahlin, C., Rosa, W.E., Mazanec, P., Long, C.O., Thaxton, C., & Greer, K. (2020). Palliative nursing: the core of COVID-19 care.  Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing,23(1), 6-8.  doi:  10.1097/NJH.0000000000000709.
  4. Rosa, W.E., Anderson, E., Applebaum, A.J., Ferrell, B.R., Kestenbaum, A., & Nelson, J.E. (2020). Coronavirus Disease 2019 as an opportunity to move toward transdisciplinary palliative care. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 23(10), 1290-1291.  doi: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0306.
  5. Rosa, W.E., & Davidson, P.M. (2020).  Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): strengthening our resolve to achieve universal palliative care.  International Nursing Review, 67(2), 160- 163.  doi: 10.1111/inr.12592
  6. Rosa, W.E., Ferrell, B.R., & Applebaum, A.J. (2020). The alleviation of suffering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Palliative & Supportive Care, 18(4), 376-378. doi: .
  7. Rosa, W.E., Ferrell, B.R., & Wiencek, C. (2020). Increasing critical care nurse engagement of palliative care during COVID-19 pandemic. Critical Care Nurse, 40(6), e28-e36. 
  8. Rosa, W.E., Finlayson, C.S., & Ferrell, B.R. (2020).  The cancer nurse as primary palliative care agent during COVID-19 [Guest editorial].  Cancer Nursing, 43(6), 431-432.  doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000886.
  9. Rosa, W.E., Gray, T.F., Chow, K., Davidson, P.M., Dionne-Odom, J.N., Karanja, V., Khanyola, J., Kpoeh, J., Lusaka, J., Matula, S., Mazanec, P., Moreland, P.J., Pandey S., Parekh de Campos, A., & Meghani, S.H. (2020). Recommendations to leverage the palliative nursing role during COVID-19 and future health crises. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 22(4), 260-269. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000665.
  10. Rosa, W.E., Meghani, S.H., Stone, P.W., & Ferrell, B.R. (2020). Opportunities for nursing science to improve patient care in the time of COVID-19: A palliative care perspective. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 52(4), 341- 343.  
  11. Rosa, W.E., Schlak, A.E., & Rushton, C.H. (2020).  A blueprint for leadership during COVID-19. Nursing Management, 51(8), 28-34.  doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000688940.29231.6f.
  12. Ferrell, B.R., & Rosa, W.E. (2021).  The “other”: confronting injustice in 2021 and beyond [editorial].  Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 23(1), 1-2.  doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000720
  13. Rosa, W.E., Ferrell, B.R., & Mazanec, P. (2021).  Global nursing education integration of palliative care to improve health crisis preparedness.  Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 52(3), 130-135.  doi:10.3928/00220124-20210216-07.
  14. Rosa, W.E., Dahlin, C., Battista, V., Finlayson, C.S., Wisniewski, R.E., Greer, K., & Ferrell, B.R. (2021). Primary palliative care clinical implications: oncology nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing25(2), 119–125. doi: 10.1188/21.CJON.119-125.
  15. Rosa, W.E., Ferrell, B.R., & Mason, D.J. (2021). Integration of palliative care into all serious illness care as a human right.  JAMA Health Forum, 2(4), e211099. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2021.1099.
  16. Rosa, W.E., Levoy, K., Battista, V., Dahlin, C., Thaxton, C., & Greer, K.  (2021).  Using the nurse coaching process to support bereaved staff during the COVID-19 crisis.  Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing printed online ahead of print.   doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000773.