ࡱ> JLI Xbjbj 4BxxXBB0aaaaaPPPJPPPPPaajjjP aajPjjMa,EZem0m,jPPjPPPPPjPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPB K: NHS GMS1 MEDICAL REGISTRATION FORM Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS and delete as appropriate 1. Have you ever registered with us before? Yes / No2. Sex: Male / Female 3. Title: Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other.. 4. Family name (last name): 5. First name(s): 6. YOUR SIGNATURE:Date: 7. Date of birth: d: m: y:8. NHS number: 9. ǰ address/postcode 10. Department/Subject: 11. Mobile telephone:12. Landline telephone:13. Email:We will use your mobile telephone number to SMS (text) you to confirm we have registered you, and in future to send you automatic reminder texts before any booked appointments and for occasional invitations to health screening events. We will NOT use it for marketing etc. Inform reception if you do not want us to use your mobile number for these SMS messages.Help us to trace your previous medical records by providing the following info: UNITED KINGDOM ORIGIN Home address details before you came to ǰINTERNATIONAL ORIGIN Details before you came to ǰ14. House number & street name: 14. Town and Country of birth:15. Postcode: 15. Date of entry into the UK: d: m: y:16. Town of birth: If you have ever registered with a doctor in the UK you must answer questions 16-1717. Name of your current doctor or medical practice: 16. Name the most recent doctor or name of medical practice in the UK:18. If the address when you were registered with that doctor is different to the address above, write it here: 17. The address you were living in when you were registered with that doctor: 19. EthnicityWhite: British Irish OtherAsian or Asian British: Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Other AsianOther Ethnic Group Chinese Any other ethnic groupMixed: White / black African White / black Caribbean White / Asian Other backgroundBlack or Black British: Caribbean African Other backgroundI do not wish to give this information 20. First language: English / Other21. 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