Inclusive Excellence, Belonging, and Sustainability in Nursing Education Award

This annual award recognizes outstanding contributions made by a school of nursing that champions inclusive excellence, belonging, and sustainable innovative strategies in nursing education. The award will be presented annually at the AACN Access Connection Engagement (ACE) Symposium along with a lectureship opportunity for the awardee. The selected school will receive $1,000 and an engraved award.

Apply Now

The submission deadline for applications is May 15, 2025 at 5:00 pm (ET).

  • Established an organizational culture with an extraordinary and unfailing commitment to inclusive excellence and belonging. 
  • Outcomes show an organizational commitment to the recruitment, development, retention, and belonging of faculty, staff, and students from all backgrounds and identities.
  • Developed and implemented effective initiatives that create a staff, student, and faculty community that is representative of all backgrounds and identities. 
  • Cultivated and promoted initiatives that establish and foster a learning environment of belonging and inclusive excellence. 
  • Demonstrated outstanding advocacy for inclusive excellence at the institutional levels.

Success in leading and enhancing inclusive excellence efforts can be demonstrated in many ways. Nominations should be based on leadership in one or more of the following areas:

  • Organizational commitment to key areas of inclusive excellence such as mission, vision, policies, culture and climate, research, clinical practice, or community outreach.
  • Demonstrate the impact of activities designed to attract, recruit, retain, and professionally develop students, staff, and faculty from a variety of backgrounds and identities.
  • Activities that demonstrate inclusive excellence within the curriculum and teaching practices.
  • Collaboration with campus or community groups in the creation, sponsorship, and implementation of programs, initiatives, or projects in inclusive excellence.
  • Evaluation and quality improvement of inclusive excellence strategies.

The winners will demonstrate excellence in nursing education in both of the following areas:

  1. Creating Change – Influencing change and adapting academic environments, and/or raising awareness of the need to promote inclusive excellence nursing education. Nominations must:

    • Clearly articulate the focus of the nomination
    • State the impact of actions taken by the school
    • Identify scope of change, i.e., partners, community engagement
    • Address sustainability
  2. Influencing Others – Serves as an opinion leader and recognized advocate for inclusive excellence, belonging, and sustainability resulting in significant organizational or community impact.

    Below are examples of how the awardee might influence others and create change.

    • Continually Learning – Develops educational programs, professional development opportunities, and/or awareness events that support this award’s triple aim.
    • Cultivating Inclusive Teams – Creates inclusive teams of faculty, staff, students, mentors, and other constituents representing and welcoming unique identities and promotes safety for sharing ideas.
    • Risk Taking – Advances innovative solutions and decisive actions that break new ground in the drive to champion inclusive excellence, belonging, and sustainability.
    • Accountable for Inclusive Excellence – Sets standards, advances strategies, and/or implements measures to ensure that goals related to inclusive excellence are met.
    • External Leadership Involvement – Plays a leading role in advancing inclusive excellence, belonging and sustainability in the nursing profession in addition to local efforts.
    • Belonging - A feeling of security and support that allows a person to bring their authentic self and is welcomed and celebrated so they can thrive, contribute, and see themselves reflected in the culture.

A feeling of security and support that allows a person to bring their true authentic self and is welcomed and celebrated so they can thrive, contribute, and see themselves reflected in the culture.

Authentically and respectfully recognizing, welcoming, supporting, and valuing the talents of all members of the nursing school’s community and integrating them into processes, activities and decision/policy making in a way that shares power. 

Inclusive Excellence
The operational definition of Inclusive Excellence, as introduced by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, includes four primary components:

  1. A focus on student intellectual and social development. Academically, it means offering the best possible course of study for the context in which the education is offered.
  2. A purposeful development and utilization of organizational resources to enhance student learning. Organizationally, it means establishing an environment that challenges each student to achieve academically at high levels and each member of the nursing school to contribute to learning and knowledge development.
  3. Attention to the cultural differences that learners bring to the educational experience and that enhances the whole nursing school.
  4. A welcoming community that engages all its diversity in the service of student and organizational learning.

Applicant nursing schools must be an AACN member institution. The application letter should not exceed five pages in length and be single-spaced, 12-point font, with one-inch margins. All applications should be electronically submitted via the online application. The deadline for submission is May 15, 2025 at 5:00 pm (ET).  

  1. Letters of application must include the following:

    • How the nursing school has been instrumental in achieving diversity, inclusion, and sustainability in nursing education.
    • Description of the school’s diversity-related programs, initiatives, and/or projects that fulfill the award criteria using concrete examples.
    • The impact of the nursing school’s efforts. Please include numbers of affected individuals; programs or policies implemented; and any other relevant measurements of successful diversity efforts. The evidence can be both quantitative and qualitative.
  2. Reference letters: Two external letters of reference, outside the nursing academic unit, must accompany the application. Both letters must address the nursing school’s contributions towards advancing diversity and inclusion, including their diversity efforts, their impact and sustainability.

The winning school will receive a $1,000 award and plaque. The award and presentation opportunity will be presented annually at the AACN Diversity Symposium.

2023 Winners

This AACN award recognizes outstanding contributions made by schools of nursing that champion diversity, inclusion, and sustainability in nursing education. Annual awards may be made to one school in each of the following categories: Public Colleges/Universities, Private College/Universities, Small/Liberal Arts Colleges, and Academic Health Centers. The winners will address the membership at the AACN Diversity Symposium.

Small/Liberal Arts Colleges Award: University of South Carolina Upstate

University of South Carolina UpstateThe Mary Black College of Nursing (MBCON) at the University of South Caroline Upstate (USC Upstate) has been a champion for diversity, inclusion, and sustainability, and is a leading voice supporting equity and civility. We have a traditional four-year BSN program, an RN-BSNUniversity of South Carolina Upstate winners standing with Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ CEO program, an MSN program with specialty areas in Clinical Nurse Leader, Education and Leadership, and are beginning a DNP in Community and Public Health this fall. The more than fifty men and women who make up the MBCON are a diverse group of individuals who represent the diversity we hope to achieve in healthcare, including those who identify as LGBTQIA, Black, Hispanic, Pakistani, Ukrainian, and Chinese. A statistic we are particularly proud of is that almost 30% of our faculty are people of color, which comes close to representing the 34% of our students who are people of color.

The Diversity, Equity and Civility Council (DEC) was formed by the MBCON in 2020 to serve the college of nursing, USC Upstate, the surrounding community in Spartanburg, and at a national level. This application will describe how we have provided many avenues to increase communication about diversity, equity and inclusion and provided opportunities at the program, university, and community level for learning about diversity and equity issues. We have achieved curricular changes at the MBCON and at the University level. In addition, this committee has created the MBCON Values Charter, a plan for our DACA/Dreamer students, and a Climate Survey on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The MBCON is a highly qualified candidate for this award.

Private Colleges and Universities Award: Frontier Nursing University

Frontier Nursing UniversityFrontier Nursing University (FNU) is at the forefront of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the nursing and midwifery professions. FNU has made DEI a primary focusFrontier University winners standing with Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ CEO of the university’s mission and a measurable element of its progress. One of the first objectives of the university’s DEI strategy was to increase the enrollment of students from underrepresented populations. Because data demonstrates that culturally concordant care improves healthcare outcomes, FNU’s leadership realized that the university had not only the responsibility but also the ability to help diversify the nursing workforce. Since 2010, FNU’s underrepresented enrollment has risen from 9% to 27%.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion goals and initiatives are a staple in FNU’s annual strategic plans. DEI is part of our organization’s environment, shared governance, and policies. Progress has been made throughout the FNU community, including faculty, staff, students, admissions, curriculum, and educational programs. A number of DEI-focused committees, a President’s DEI Task Force, and two DEI Fellowship programs have been launched in the past few years. Each of these initiatives has clearly defined purpose statements and measurable goals designed to ensure DEI is present in every facet of the university, including its personnel, culture, policies, curriculum, and leadership.

Academic Health Centers Award: University of Florida

University of FloridaConsistent with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) mission, vision and values, the University of Florida College of Nursing (UF CON) is committed to promoting equity in all educational pathways. Some of the efforts taken to promote inclusive excellence that display the sustained commitment to this mission are highlighted in this application. The UF CON has had an intentional leadership role in inclusive excellence since 2016. This role has grown from director to assistant dean and is now served by the associate dean, demonstrating our commitment to growth, and evolving the focus over time. The associate dean is also a UF CON liaison at the HSC and the University of Florida’s Chief Diversity Officers (CDOs). Formed in 2020, the UF CON’s Council for Social Justice was added as a permanent component of our college’s organizational structure and consists of faculty, staff, and student representatives. One faculty and one staff member serve as co-chairs of the council, enabling the work of this group to equally engage both stakeholder groups. To demonstrate accountability to the mission of the UF CON, recommendations from this council are used to inform the strategic plan to ensure that thoughtful consideration and actions are embedded throughout the college’s initiatives.

2022 Winners

This AACN award recognizes outstanding contributions made by schools of nursing that champion diversity, inclusion, and sustainability in nursing education. Annual awards may be made to one school in each of the following categories: Public Colleges/Universities, Private College/Universities, Small/Liberal Arts Colleges, and Academic Health Centers. The winners will address the membership at the AACN Diversity Symposium.

Small/Liberal Arts Colleges Award: Dominican University

Dominican UniversityDominican University is a small private Catholic university located in River Forest, Illinois. The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) strives to create a just and humane campus and is dedicated to assisting the community in discovering how to live together, inclusively. The goal of the ODEI is to extend the benefits of diversity to all members of the Dominican community by working to equip students, faculty, and staff for responsible global citizenship. ODEI's goals and mission are supported by the values of caring and compassion, welcoming and hospitality, confidentially and acceptance, fairness, continuous improvement, and periodic review.

As a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Dominican University sponsored a cohort of faculty to participate in the ESCALA program specifically to close the gap in educational access and completion rates for Latinos, mainly through faculty development programming. Dominican University designed courses to provide culturally competent care that reflect the mission of the university. In the RN–BSN program, a Multi-cultural and Global Perspectives in Healthcare course was created for students to critically think about and discuss health and health care within a global environment and the impact of healthcare policies. In April 2021, Dominican University and the Borra College of Health Sciences, in collaboration with the Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation committee, presented a Health Disparity Symposium to the learning community to address the need to advance health equity and DEI efforts.

Private Colleges and Universities Award: Claflin University

Claflin University | Founded 1869Claflin University, a Historically Black College/University (HBCU) located in Orangeburg, SC, was founded in 1869 primarily to educate freed slaves. As the first university in South Carolina open to all regardless of race, class, or gender, Claflin remains dedicated and committed to educating individuals from underrepresented minority groups. Claflin University is the only HBCU with a nursing program in the state of South Carolina.

Through strategic partnerships with the South Carolina Technical College System and local hospitals, many associate degree graduates are afforded seamless transition to the RN–BSN program. These graduates help to improve health outcomes in the local area and state by preparing more BSN-prepared nurses for the workforce. Claflin University also has partnered with a local practice partner to increase diversity in BSN-prepared nurses in the hospital system. Through this collaborative partnership, the Regional Medical Center (RMC) committed to sponsor nurses working in their hospital system with full BSN program tuition. About 15% of graduates have been sponsored through this program. Because of the demonstrated value of the nursing program to the state of South Carolina, the university secured special funding for nursing student scholarships from the South Carolina Legislature in the amount of $600,000 since the BSN program began in August 2016. Through the academic/practice agreement, students in the MSN FNP program have clinical placement and a potential employment opportunity with a federally funded clinic with seven primary care locations. Participating students may receive loan repayment for their service.

Academic Health Centers Award: Ohio State University

The Ohio State UniversityThe Ohio State University (OSU) continues to demonstrate a commitment to the recruitment, development, and retention of faculty, staff, and students with a focus on underrepresented groups. The College of Nursing serves as an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion across the academic institution and within the community. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are part of OSU’s culture, and last academic year (2021-2022), the institution added equity, inclusion, and social justice to its core values. OSU leaders embrace the role of change agent and are intentional about creating a more inclusive environment for all to thrive.

The College of Nursing initiated the university’s inaugural Health Equity Scholars Program, which is designed to prepare underrepresented undergraduate students at OSU with advanced education, knowledge, and skills to improve health equity outcomes in diverse and underserved communities. Diversifying the faculty, staff, and student population and building a more inclusive college culture are major priorities of the nursing school. The college recently launched a Student Success Series program for both undergraduate and graduate students to help improve soft and power skills that are needed in nursing, but not often a core component of the curricula. The college also has supported the development of two new student groups, focusing on students of color and LGBTQ+ students. Over 100 faculty and staff have participated in implicit bias training for admission committees to support a more diverse nursing class.

The College of Nursing has recently begun including demographic statistics on their website of their faculty, staff, and students to highlight the significant progress made in increasing the number of underrepresented individuals within the college. The annual Summer Institute for Future Nurses continues to spark interest from high school students across the country.

2021 Winners

Public Colleges and Universities:

Dr. Pamela Cook

Dr. Pamela Cook, Interim Associate Dean, Academic and Student Affairs at Augusta University in Augusta, GA

In 2006, Augusta University determined that its surrounding community was vastly more diverse than the actual nursing school population. The faculty implemented an aggressive plan to address this issue with these goals: 1) build capacity to sustain long-term growth in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); 2) cultivate an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated; 3) recruit and retain an academically talented and diverse student body; and 4) recruit and retain a capable and diverse workforce.

From 2007 to 2020, the number of qualified applications from diverse backgrounds,
including ethnic and racial groups underrepresented in nursing, increased from 14% to 30% of the total applications received. Enrollment of students from diverse backgrounds increased from 15% to 35% of total enrolled students. The college’s sets standards for faculty, staff, and administrators, raises awareness of the need to promote DEI, and communicates the college’s commitment to advancing and sustaining DEI to all stakeholders. This statement was updated in 2018 to align with AACN’s commitment to equity in addition to diversity and inclusion. In addition, the college has exerted its influence through ongoing participation with the AACN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Working Group (now the ) since its inception in 2018. The college has served as the campus DEI innovator and leader.

Private Colleges and Universities:

Dr. Geraldine Young

Dr. Geraldine Q. Young, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at Frontier Nursing University in Versailles, KY

Frontier Nursing University (FNU) is at the forefront as a leading activist for diversity in the nursing and midwifery professions. FNU has made diversity and inclusion a primary focus of the university’s mission and a measurable element of its progress. This commitment was formalized in 2010 with the implementation of the . Since the implementation of this program, FNU has increased student of color (SOC) enrollment from 9% in 2010 to 24% in 2020. Progress has been made throughout the FNU community, including faculty, staff, students, admissions, curriculum, and training. Of note, FNU has five leadership positions filled by women of color: human resources director, chief diversity and inclusion officer, clinical director of the FNP program, director of campus operations, and a member of the board of directors. 

In 2018, FNU was awarded an grant
from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration. The ANEW program supports innovative academic-practice partnerships to prepare primary care advanced practice registered nursing students who will serve in rural and underserved settings. FNU expanded formal academic-practice partnerships with five sites in order to co-design, implement, and evaluate strategies for improved academic and clinical training in rural primary care settings.

Academic Health Centers:

Dr. Phoenix Matthews

Dr. Phoenix Matthews, Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion in the College of Nursing at University of Illinois Chicago in Chicago, IL

For the past five years, the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) has been guided by a that provides a clear roadmap for achieving its diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. Holistic review and admission processes have proven effective in identifying the strengths and skills of underrepresented minority (URM) applicants who may be overlooked in traditional review processes. In 2015, when the strategic plan was implemented, students of color represented 34% of the overall student body. In 2020, this percentage had risen to 48%, representing a 41% increase in overall diversity among students across all programs in the college of nursing. The undergraduate program met or exceeded strategic plan benchmarks for overall diversity (55% of all undergraduate students are students of color), Latinx students (23%), and males (16%). 

Since instituting its diversity strategic plan, UIC has achieved several key milestones. The first associate dean for Equity and Inclusion was appointed in 2020. Activities associated with improving the “educational climate” for students, faculty, and staff have included discussions/lectures on micro aggressions, restorative justice, and the development of a resource document for faculty on how to manage micro-aggressions in the classroom setting. Skill-building activities across stakeholder groups have included individual and collaborative group consultations on DEI issues and Ally Training. 

2020 Winner

Dr. Mary Koithan - 2019 Diversity Award Winner

Dr. Mary Koithan, Associate Dean for student support and community engagement and Anne Furrow Professor of Integrative Nursing at the University of Arizona

The Lectureship Award for Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability in Nursing Education was presented to Dr. Mary Koithan, associate dean for student support and community engagement and Anne Furrow Professor of Integrative Nursing at the University of Arizona. This award highlights outstanding contributions made by an individual or a group to champion diversity, inclusion, and sustainability in a deliberate way. Diversity, inclusion, and creativity have been the hallmarks of Mary’s scholarship over time. Rooted in her strong diverse interdisciplinary approach to research, she has served as lead investigator, co-investigator, or consultant for over 12 externally funded national and international studies about integrative therapeutics or systems of care for diverse populations.

Dr. Koithan will received the award at the inaugural Diversity Symposium in December 2020.

2019 Winner

Dr. Marion Broome, Dean and Ruby Wilson Professor of Nursing at Duke University School of Nursing, and Vice Chancellor for Nursing Affairs and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs for Nursing at Duke University Health System (pictured center) with AACN’s Board Chair, Dr. Ann Cary (pictured left) and AACN’s President and CEO, Dr. Deborah Trautman (pictured right).

The Nurse.com by OnCourse Learning Lectureship Award for Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability in Nursing Education was presented to Dr. Marion Broome, Dean and Ruby Wilson Professor of Nursing at Duke University School of Nursing, and Vice Chancellor for Nursing Affairs and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs for Nursing at Duke University Health System. This award highlights outstanding contributions made by an individual or a group to champion diversity, inclusion, and sustainability in a deliberate way.

Since 2014 when she arrived at Duke, Dr. Broome has fostered and expanded the School’s vision for diversity and inclusion. She has actively engaged the Duke community in advocacy efforts to promote diversity, inclusion, and sustainability, and she has worked to expand a key element of her institution’s strategic plan focused on people and the environment to ensure her school of nursing is an inclusive environment.

2018 Winner

Dr. Karen Bankston, Associate Dean, Clinical Practice, Partnership and Community Engagement, College of Nursing Procter Hall, University of Cincinnati (pictured right) and Dr. Greer Glazer, Dean, Schmidlapp Professor of Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati (pictured center) with AACN’s Board Chair, Dr. Ann Cary (pictured left).

2017 Winner

2017 Award Winner Norma Rogers

Dr.  Norma Martinez Rogers, Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center with AACN’s President and CEO, Dr. Deborah Trautman,  Dr. Juliann Sebastian, Chair, and Dr. Ann Cary, Chair-Elect of the AACN Board of Directors. 

2016 Winner

Dr. Suzanne C. Smeltzer, Professor and Director, Villonova University, with AACN’s President and CEO, Dr. Deborah Trautman and Dr. Juliann Sebastian, Chair of the AACN Board of Directors.

2015 Winner

Dr. Marilyn “Marty” Douglas, Associate Clinical Professor, School of Nursing, University of California – San Francisco and Editor-in-Chief Emerita, Journal of Transcultural Nursing, with AACN’s President,  Dr. Eileen Breslin and CEO, Dr. Deborah Trautman.



For more information, contact Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ's Associate Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Christine Downing at (202) 463-6930, ext. 266 or at cdowning@aacnnursing.org.

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Group of students from Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing at Loyola University 

Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing at Loyola University 

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