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Dr Abrahim Althonayan
Senior Lecturer in Ops Management

Eastern Gateway 202c

  • Global Management

Alsaggaf, MA. and Althonayan, A. (2018) ''. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 31 (1). pp. 194 - 223. ISSN: 1741-0398

Journal article

Althonayan, A. and Жунусова. (2017) 'Strategic aspects of critical thinking in Abay's literary heritage'. Карагандинского Государственного Университета, 87.

Journal article

Althonayan, A. and Althonayan, M. (2017) ''. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 11 (3). pp. 306 - 342. ISSN: 1750-6166

Journal article

Althonayan, A. and Тарасова. (2017) 'Маркетинговая стратегия вузов: отечественный и зарубежный опыт'. Вестник Белгородского университета кооперации, экономики и права, 63.

Journal article

Althonayan, A., Sultan. and Banning. (2016) 'Assessment of Critical Thinking Abilities of Students in Kazakhstan and Great Britain'. in Journal of Studies in Higher Education.

Journal article

Althonayan, A., Sultan., Isauly., Kenish. and Abildaeva. (2016) 'Skills of Critical Thinking: Comparative ǰ Among British And Kazakhstan Students’'. Pedagogical Journal Of Bashkortostan.

Journal article

Althonayan, A., Keith. and Killackey. (2013) 'Transitioning into ERM Culture to ensure sustainable competitive advantage'. Journal of Risk Research. ISSN: 1366-9877

Journal article

Althonayan, A. (2013) 'Investigating the Role of Transformational Leadership on Followers’ Creativity through Mediating Support for Innovation and Workplace Relationship: A Conceptual Approach'. Journal of Information and Management.

Journal article

Althonayan, A. and Alarifi. (2013) 'The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Followers’ Creativity in Public Sector'.International Conference on Management, Behavioural Sciences and Economics Issues.

Conference paper

Althonayan, A. and Althonayan, M. (2013) 'The impact of Service Quality on ERP Systems Stakeholders’ performance in Higher Education'. Journal of Strategic Information Systems. ISSN: 0963-8687

Journal article

Althonayan, A., Killackey. and Keith. (2012) 'Developing Enterprise Risk Management Culture to Enhance Competitive Advantage’'.ERM Symposium. Washington DC, USA. 10 - 14 December.

Conference paper

Heaslip, G., Sharif, AM. and Althonayan, A. (2012) ''. International Journal of Production Economics, 139 (2). pp. 377 - 392. ISSN: 0925-5273

Journal article

Althonayan, AA., Keith, J. and Killackey, H. (2012) 'Shifting into an ERM culture: How to sustain an enterprise risk management program and maintain competitive advantage'. The RMA Journal, October. pp. 28 - 35. ISSN: 1531-0558

Journal article

Althonayan, AA. (Accepted) 'An exploration of critical thinking in Master’s students'. British Educational Research Journal. ISSN: 0141-1926

Journal article

Althonayan, A., Misiura, A. and Keith, J. (2011) 'Aligning enterprise risk management with corporate and business strategy'.BAM 11. UK. 13 - 15 September. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Althonayan, A., Keith, J. and Misiura, A. (2011) 'Aligning enterprise risk managment with business strategy and information systems'.European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2011). Athens, Greece. 30 - 31 May. EMCIS. pp. 109 - 129.

Conference paper

Althonayan, A., Banning. and Lycett, M. (2010) 'An exploration of critical thinking in Master’s students’.'.Cross ǰ Academic Schools joint research.

Conference paper

Althonayan, A. and Sharif, AM. (2010) ''. International Journal for Business Information Systems, 6 (1). pp. 79 - 94. ISSN: 1746-0972

Journal article

Althonayan, A., Alshawi, S. and Sharif, A. (2010) 'Strategic technology assessment for the airline industry'.14th Air Transport Research Society World Conference (ATRS 2010). Porto, Portugal. 6 - 9 July. Air Transport Research Society.

Conference paper

Althonayan, A. and Alshawi, S. (2010) 'Development and use of technology assessment matrix in the airline industry'. International Journal for Business Information Systems, Forthcoming. ISSN: 1746-0972

Journal article

Althonayan, AA. and Sharif, A. (2010) 'Aligning business and technology strategy within the airline industry'.EMCIS 10. Abu Dubai. 12 - 12 April. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Althonayan, A. and Alshawi, SN. (2009) 'Development and Use of Technology Assessment Matrix’.'.Proceedings of the European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems.

Conference paper

Althonayan, A. (2008) 'The integration approach: Integrating technology strategy with business strategy in the airline industry'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2008 (EMCIS2008). Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 25 - 26 May.

Conference paper

Althonayan, AA. (2003) 'Integrating technology strategy with business strategy in the airline industry'. PhD Thesis.

Thesis dissertation

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