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Professor Christina Victor
Director of Research Institute / Professor

Mary Seacole 301b


Tomlinson, A., Lane, J., Julier, G., Grigsby-Duffy, L., Payne, A., Mansfield, L., et al. (2020) ''. Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 11 (3). pp. 281 - 297. ISSN: 2040-2457

Journal article

Fortune, J., Norris, M., Stennett, A., Kilbride, C., Lavelle, G., Victor, C., et al. (2020) ''. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44 (3). pp. 436 - 442. ISSN: 0963-8288

Journal article

Victor, CR. and Pikhartova, J. (2020) ''. BMC Public Health, 20 (1). pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 1471-2458

Journal article

Barreto, M., Victor, C., Hammond, C., Eccles, A., Richins, MT. and Qualter, P. (2020) ''. Personality and Individual Differences, 169. pp. 1 - 6. ISSN: 0191-8869

Journal article

Victor, CR., Rippon, I., Quinn, C., Nelis, SM., Martyr, A., Hart, N., et al. (2020) ''. Aging and Mental Health, 25 (7). pp. 1232 - 1238. ISSN: 1360-7863

Journal article

Victor, CR., Rippon, I., Nelis, SM., Martyr, A., Litherland, R., Pickett, J., et al. (2020) ''. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 35 (8). pp. 851 - 858. ISSN: 0885-6230

Journal article

Victor, CR., Dobbs, C., Gilhooly, K. and Burholt, V. (2020) ''. European Journal of Ageing, 18 (1). pp. 5 - 16. ISSN: 1613-9372

Journal article

Smith, KJ., Gavey, S., Riddell, NE., Kontari, P. and Victor, C. (2020) ''. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 212. pp. 519 - 541. ISSN: 0149-7634

Journal article

Fried, L., Prohaska, T., Burholt, V., Burns, A., Golden, J., Hawkley, L., et al. (2020) ''. The Lancet, 395 (10218). pp. 114 - 114. ISSN: 0140-6736

Journal article

Wu, YT., Nelis, S., Quinn, C., Martyr, A., Jones, I., Victor, C., et al. (2020) ''. Age and Ageing, 49 (3). pp. 446 - 452. ISSN: 0002-0729

Journal article

Ryan, JM., Cameron, MH., Liverani, S., Smith, KJ., O'Connell, N., Peterson, MD., et al. (2019) ''. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 62 (4). pp. 477 - 482. ISSN: 0012-1622

Journal article

Ryan, JM., Fortune, J., Stennett, A., Kilbride, C., Lavelle, G., Hendrie, W., et al. (2019) ''. Multiple Sclerosis, 26 (14). pp. 1907 - 1918. ISSN: 1352-4585

Journal article

Henderson, C., Knapp, M., Nelis, SM., Quinn, C., Martyr, A., Wu, Y-T., et al. (2019) ''. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions, 5 (1). pp. 685 - 696. ISSN: 2352-8737

Journal article

Ryan, JM., Peterson, MD., Matthews, A., Ryan, N., Smith, KJ., O'Connell, NE., et al. (2019) ''. Neurology, 93 (14). pp. e1385 - e1396. ISSN: 0028-3878

Journal article

Harris, T., Limb, E., Hosking, F., Carey, I., DeWild, S., Furness, C., et al. (2019) ''. PLoS Medicine, 16 (6). pp. 1 - 20. ISSN: 1549-1277

Journal article

Rippon, I., Quinn, C., Martyr, A., Morris, R., Nelis, SM., Jones, IR., et al. (2019) ''. Aging and Mental Health, 24 (9). pp. 1411 - 1420. ISSN: 1360-7863

Journal article

Quinn, C., Nelis, S., Martyr, A., Morris, R., Victor, C. and Clare, L. (2019) ''. Aging and Mental Health, 24 (9). pp. 1505 - 1513. ISSN: 1360-7863

Journal article

O'Connell, NE., Smith, KJ., Peterson, MD., Ryan, N., Liverani, S., Anokye, N., et al. (2019) ''. BONE, 125. pp. 30 - 35. ISSN: 8756-3282

Journal article

Spinelli, G., Weaver, PW., Marks, M. and Victor, C. (2019) ''. Frontiers of Sociology, 4. pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 2297-7775

Journal article

Lamont, RA., Nelis, SM., Quinn, C., Martyr, A., Rippon, I., Kopelman, MD., et al. (2019) ''. Aging and Mental Health, 24 (6). pp. 956 - 964. ISSN: 1360-7863

Journal article

Beighton, C., Carey, I., Hosking, F., DeWilde, S., Cook, D., Manners, P. and et al. (2019) ''. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 23 (1). pp. 78 - 96. ISSN: 1469-0047

Journal article

Ryan, J., Petersen, M., Ryan, N., Smith, K., O'Connell, N., Liverani, S., et al. (2019) ''. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 61 (8). pp. 924 - 928. ISSN: 0012-1622

Journal article

Victor, CR., Dobbs, C., Gilhooly, K. and Burholt, V. (2019) ''. International Journal of Care and Caring, 3 (1). pp. 75 - 96. ISSN: 2397-8821

Journal article

Limb, ES., Ahmad, S., Cook, DG., Kerry, SM., Ekelund, U., Whincup, PH., et al. (2019) ''. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 16 (10). pp. 1 - 11. ISSN: 1479-5868

Journal article

Clare, L., Wu, Y-T., Jones, IR., Victor, CR., Nelis, SM., Martyr, A., et al. (2019) ''. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders, 33 (1). pp. 36 - 41. ISSN: 0893-0341

Journal article

Clare, L., Wu, Y-T., Quinn, C., Jones, IR., Victor, C., Nelis, SM., et al. (2019) ''. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 33 (1). pp. 29 - 35. ISSN: 0893-0341

Journal article

Smith, KJ., Peterson, MD., O'Connell, NE., Victor, C., Liverani, S., Anokye, N. and et al. (2018) ''. JAMA Neurology, 76 (3). pp. 294 - 300. ISSN: 2168-6149

Journal article

Victor, CR., Davies, S., Dickinson, A., Morbey, H., Masey, H., Gahe, H., et al. (2018) ''. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 79. pp. 97 - 103. ISSN: 0167-4943

Journal article

Silarova, B., Nelis, SM., Ashworth, RM., Ballard, C., Bieńkiewicz, M., Henderson, C., et al. (2018) ''. BMC Public Health, 18 (1). pp. 1214. ISSN: 1471-2458

Journal article

Anokye, N., Fox-Rushby, J., Sanghera, S., Cook, DG., Limb, E., Furness, C., et al. (2018) ''. BMJ Open, 8 (10). pp. 1 - 10. ISSN: 2044-6055

Journal article

Limb, E., Ahmad, S., Cook, D., Kerry, S., Ekelund, U., Whincup, P., et al. (2018) ''. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 15 (10). pp. S135 - S136. ISSN: 1543-3080

Journal article

Wu, YT., Clare, L., Jones, IR., Martyr, A., Nelis, SM., Quinn, C., et al. (2018) ''. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33 (12). pp. 1736 - 1742. ISSN: 0885-6230

Journal article

Clare, L., Wu, Y-T., Jones, IR., Victor, C., Nelis, SM., Martyr, A., et al. (2018) ''.Alzheimer's Association International Conference® 2018. Chicago, IL, USA. 22 - 26 July. Wiley. pp. P1422 - P1423. ISSN: 1552-5260

Conference paper

Mansfield, L., Kay, T., Meads, C., Grigsby Duffy, L., Lane, J., John, A., et al. (2018) ''. British Medical Journal Open, 8 (7). pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 2044-6055

Journal article

Harris, T., Kerry, S., Victor, C., Iliffe, S., Ussher, M., Fox-Rushby, J., et al. (2018) 'A pedometer-based walking intervention in 45- to 75-year-olds, with and without practice nurse support: The PACE-UP three-arm cluster RCT'. Place of publication: e NIHR Journals Library. Available at: . ISSN: 1366-5278


Rainey-Smith, SR., Mazzucchelli, GN., Villemagne, VL., Brown, BM., Porter, T., Weinborn, M., et al. (2018) ''. Wiley. ISSN: 1552-5260

Conference paper

Victor, C., Zubair, M. and Martin, W. (2018) 'Families and caring in South Asian communities', in Walker, A. (ed.) The new dynamics of ageing volume 2. Policy Press. , 2.

Book chapter

Martyr, A., Nelis, SM., Quinn, C., Wu, Y-T., Lamont, RA., Henderson, C., et al. (2018) ''. Psychological Medicine, 48 (13). pp. 2130 - 2139. ISSN: 0033-2917

Journal article

Smith, K. and Victor, C. (2018) ''. Ageing and Society, 39 (8). pp. 1709 - 1730. ISSN: 0144-686X

Journal article

Victor, C. (2018) 'Current issues and debates in promoting physical activity among older people'. Springer International Publishing. ISSN 13: 9783319712901


Victor, C. (2018) 'Physical activity amongst ethnic minority elders: The experience of great Britain', inThe Palgrave Handbook of Ageing and Physical Activity Promotion. Springer International Publishing. pp. 589 - 605. ISBN 13: 9783319712901.

Book chapter

Harris, T., Kerry, SM., Limb, ES., Furness, C., Wahlich, C., Victor, CR., et al. (2018) ''. PLoS Medicine, 15 (3). pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 1549-1277

Journal article

Victor, CR. (2018) ''. BMC public health, 18 (1). pp. 170. ISSN: 1471-2458

Journal article

Furness, C., Howard, E., Limb, E., Cook, DG., Kerry, S., Wahlich, C., et al. (2018) ''. Trials, 19 (58). pp. 58. ISSN: 1745-6215

Journal article

Ryan, JM., Fortune, J., Stennett, A., Kilbride, C., Anokye, N., Victor, C., et al. (2017) ''. BMJ Open, 7 (11). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 2044-6055

Journal article

Daykin, N., Mansfield, L., Julier, G., Tomlinson, A., Meads, C., Payne, A., et al. (2017) ''. Perspectives in Public Health, 138 (1). pp. 39 - 46. ISSN: 1476-9042

Journal article

wahlich, C., Beighton, C., Normansell, R., Cook, D., Kerry, S., Iliffe, S., et al. (2017) ''. Journal of Primary Health Care Research & Development., 18 (6). pp. 574 - 590. ISSN: 1463-4236

Journal article

Shaw, J., Kontos, P., Martin, W. and Victor, C. (2017) ''. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 31 (1). pp. 82 - 95. ISSN: 1477-7266

Journal article

Burholt, V., Dobbs, C. and Victor, C. (2017) ''. Ageing and Society, 38 (7). pp. 1453 - 1477. ISSN: 0144-686X

Journal article

Harris, T., Kerry, SM., Limb, ES., Victor, CR., Iliffe, S., Ussher, M., et al. (2017) ''. PLOS Medicine, 14 (1). pp. e1002210 - e1002210. ISSN: 1549-1277

Journal article

Anokye, N., Fox-Rushby, J., Sanghera, S., Cook, DG., Kerry, SM., Limb, E., et al. (2016) 'The short-term and long-term cost-effectiveness of a pedometer-based intervention in primary care: a within trial analysis and beyond-trial modelling'. LANCET, 388. pp. 19 - 19. ISSN: 0140-6736

Journal article

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