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Loneliness in later life: a longitudinal analysis using the English Longitudinal Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ of Ageing

Funder: ESRC
Duration: April 2013 - February 2015


Name Telephone Email Office
Professor Christina Victor Professor Christina Victor
Director of Research Institute / Professor
(Principal investigator)
T: +44 (0)1895 268730
E: christina.victor@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 268730 christina.victor@brunel.ac.uk Mary Seacole 301b


Sullivan, MP., Victor, CR. and Thomas, M. (2016) ''. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 17 (3). pp. 168 - 178. ISSN: 1471-7794

Journal article

Victor, CR. (2015) 'Loneliness and later life: Concepts, prevalence, and consequences', inAddressing Loneliness: Coping, Prevention and Clinical Interventions. pp. 185 - 204.

Book chapter

Victor, CR. and Sullivan, MP. (2015) 'Loneliness and isolation', inRoutledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology. pp. 252 - 260.

Book chapter

Victor, C., Sullivan, MP., Woodbridge, R. and Thomas, M. (2015) ''. Open Psychology Journal, 8 (1). pp. 97 - 104. ISSN: 1874-3501

Journal article

Pikhartova, J., Bowling, A. and Victor, C. (2015) ''. Aging and Mental Health, 20 (5). pp. 543 - 549. ISSN: 1360-7863

Journal article

Pikhartova, J., Bowling, A. and Victor, C. (2014) ''. BMC Geriatrics, 14 (1). pp. 106. ISSN: 1471-2318

Journal article

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