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Professor Susan Jobling

Heinz Wolff Building - Ground Floor

Research supervision

Postdoctoral researchers

05/09-05/12. Dr Margaret Mary Town (The Leverhulme Trust)

11/09-11/11. Dr Alice Baynes (3NCRs)

Postgraduate Researchers and Research Assistants

01/10-01/11. Christopher Green (Severn Trent Water & CSIRO Australia)

01/10-01-12 Elizabeth Nicol (NERC)

12/09-12/12 Satwant Kaur (3NCRs)

PhD Students Supervised

1995-2000: Monique Nolan. The Environment Agency (Joint first supervisor with Charles Tyler) (MPhil). Complete.

1996-2000: Trevor Rodgers-Gray (Joint first supervisor with Charles Tyler) The Environment Agency (PhD). Complete

2000-2003: Tamsin Runnalls (2nd supervisor with John Sumpter) NERC (PhD). Complete.

2001-2004: Katherine Liney (Joint First supervisor) The UKWIR (PhD). Complete.

2002-2004: David Hala The European Union (PhD) Complete

2002-2005: Neil Clarke NERC (PhD) Complete

2004-2007: Rachel Benstead Effects of oestrogenic chemicals on reproduction in Uk freshwater molluscs: Comparison of field and laboratory studies. DEFRA (PhD) Current

2004-2007: Alice Baynes Effects of estrogenic chemicals on freshwater mollusc reproduction in outdoor mesocosms (life cycle studies). DEFRA (PhD) Completed

2009-2012: Satwant Kaur (NC3Rs). (PhD) Current

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Middlesex UB8 3PH

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