Current Accreditation Reviews

Current Accreditation Reviews

As part of the CCNE accreditation review process, institutions host an onsite evaluation of the program under consideration.  Each fall and spring, the CCNE Board of Commissioners meets to make accreditation decisions.  At its fall meeting, the Board reviews programs that hosted a spring onsite evaluation, and at its spring meeting, the Board reviews programs that hosted a fall onsite evaluation.

Fall On-Site Evaluations      Spring On-Site Evaluations


Third-Party Comments for Current Accreditation Reviews

In accordance with CCNE’s procedures, the Commission provides the opportunity for program constituents and other interested parties to submit, in writing, third-party comments concerning a program’s qualifications for accreditation.

At least 2 months before the scheduled on-site evaluation, the program must notify its major constituents, including, at a minimum, educators/nursing faculty teaching and students/residents/fellows enrolled in the program(s) under review, that an accreditation review is scheduled. For entry-to-practice nurse residency programs and nurse practitioner fellowship/residency programs, the healthcare organization’s nursing leadership must also be notified. The form of such notice is at the discretion of the program, but it should include the name of CCNE, the last date of submission, and instructions for submitting comments to CCNE. For example, the program may notify educators/nursing faculty and students/residents/fellows via email or newsletter and notify other program constituents and interested parties via other means (e.g., the program website, the institution’s newspaper, and/or email notification).

Written third-party comments regarding programs must be received by CCNE by no later than 21 days prior to the first day of the scheduled on-site evaluation. Only signed comments are accepted by CCNE. CCNE shares third-party comments with members of the evaluation team prior to the visit, but at no time during the review process are these comments shared with the program. During its review of the program, the evaluation team considers third-party comments that relate to the accreditation standards. All third-party comments submitted to CCNE must be written in English, consistent with CCNE's policy on Conduct of Business in English.

If you would like to submit a third-party comment for a program currently under review, please submit to thirdpartycomments@ccneaccreditation.org.

Or, if you prefer, mail comments to:

Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
Attn: Third-Party Comments
655 K Street, NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20001

If you have any questions about this process, please contact CCNE staff at (202) 887-6791 ext. 268.