CCNE Committees & Task Forces

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Entry-to-Practice Nurse Residency Program Standards Committee 2025-2026

The Entry-to-Practice Nurse Residency Program Standards Committee is appointed to accomplish the task of reviewing and revising the CCNE Standards for Accreditation of Entry-to-Practice Nurse Residency Programs based upon input received from CCNE’s communities of interest. Proposed revisions to the CCNE Standards will be reviewed for final approval by the CCNE Board of Commissioners.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee provides leadership and makes decisions for the Board on administrative matters that are not specifically related to accreditation decisions or policy revisions.

Accreditation Review Committee

The Accreditation Review Committee is appointed to serve as the primary review body for nursing education programs seeking initial or continuing accreditation from CCNE. The committee may recommend to the Board modifications in standards, policies, or procedures related to the accreditation of nursing education programs.

Report Review Committee

The Report Review Committee is appointed to review annual reports, continuous improvement progress reports, and other reports submitted by institutions that offer baccalaureate and/or graduate nursing programs. The principal goal of the Report Review Committee is to review progress of programs since their last on-site evaluation.

Entry-to-Practice Residency Accreditation Committee 

The Entry-to-Practice Residency Accreditation Committee (EPRAC) serves as the primary review body for entry-to-practice nurse residency programs seeking initial or continued accreditation by CCNE. The EPRAC also is responsible for reviewing continuous improvement progress reports, substantive change notifications, and other reports submitted by entry-to-practice nurse residency programs that hold accreditation by CCNE. The EPRAC serves to monitor these programs between evaluations for continued compliance with established standards and policies.

Nurse Practitioner Fellowship/Residency Accreditation Committee

The Nurse Practitioner Fellowship/Residency Accreditation Committee (NPFRAC) serves as the primary review body for NP fellowship/residency programs seeking initial or continued accreditation by CCNE. The NPFRAC also is responsible for reviewing continuous improvement progress reports, substantive change notifications, and other reports submitted by NP fellowship/residency programs that hold accreditation by CCNE. The NPFRAC monitors these programs between evaluations for continued compliance with established standards and policies.

Substantive Change Review Committee

The Substantive Change Review Committee is appointed to review substantive change notifications submitted by institutions that offer baccalaureate and/or graduate nursing programs. The principal function of the Substantive Change Review Committee is to monitor continued compliance of programs in relation to substantive change notifications submitted by programs. The committee may recommend to the Board modifications in standards, policies, or procedures related to the accreditation of nursing education programs.

Budget Committee 

The Budget Committee is appointed to plan and monitor the annual CCNE budget. The Budget Committee proposes an annual budget for the operation of CCNE. The annual budget is approved by the Board. The committee periodically reviews the progress of the budget against projected revenue and expenses. The committee ensures that CCNE maintains an effective multi-year financial plan and presents the plan to the Board on an annual basis.

Nominating Committee 

The Nominating Committee acts independently and is responsible for reviewing the qualifications of applicants for the Board and for the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee develops a slate of candidates for the Board and for the Nominating Committee to be elected by the accredited constituents. The committee is responsible for submitting the slates of candidates for the Board and Nominating Committee to the CCNE executive director at least 60 days prior to the annual meeting.