Online Learning Center

a photo of a laptop, a photo of a microphone, and a photo of two people smiling at the camera while working on computers

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Upcoming Webinars

Upcoming Webinars

AACN provides an array of webinars exclusively for nurse educators teaching in baccalaureate and higher degree programs. All webinars offer continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Continuing Education Credit is available for up to three years following the live presentation of the webinar.


On-Demand Webinars

On-Demand Webinars

AACN members have access to over 200 archived webinars free of charge. A sampling of topics is listed below. 

  • Academic-Practice Partnerships
  • CCNE Accreditation
  • Executive Leadership Development in Nursing Academia
  • Government Affairs and Advocacy
  • Incivility
  • Interprofessional Education
  • Quality and Safety Education in Nursing
  • Sustainability in Nursing Education


Online Learning Modules

Online Learning Modules

Digital Conference Library

Digital Conference Library

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions or need any technical support, please contact faculty@aacnnursing.org.

What is an on-demand webinar?

On-demand webinar means the webinars has been previously recorded. To register for live webinars, visit www.aacnnursing.org/webinars for upcoming webinars.

After registering, how do I watch the webinar?

Upon registration you will receive two emails, one that serves as a receipt and another that serves as your registration confirmation. Using the link provided in your registration confirmation email, you will be able to join the event space by entering your first name, last name, and email address. 

Do I need to install anything on my computer before watching the webinar?

In order to participate in this webinar, you will need to download the WebEx software (if you have not already). This is a one-time free download. View the instructions on how to properly . We recommend that you download this prior to the scheduled webinar to ensure that your computer is ready.  If you experience any problems downloading the software or entering the webinar, please email support@icohere.com or call (866) 229-3239.

After I register how do I watch/join the live webcast?

During registration with PlayBack Live you will create a username and password that you will use to access your account and view the presentation the day-of.

How can I confirm my registration for the live webcast?

Email info@playbacknow.com for confirmation, or if you have the log in credentials you can log into Play Back Live and access upcoming webcasts.

I missed the live webcast or want to re-watch it. How do access the recorded recording?

Go to Past Conference Recordings and click on “Register”. Upon registration you will receive two emails, one that serves as a receipt and another that serves as your registration confirmation. Using the link provided in your registration confirmation email, you will navigate directly to the recording.

How can I test my computer to ensure I can watch the webcast?

Log into Play Back Now and click on the test video to be sure that your computer will receive video and audio.

After registering for the modules, how do I access them?

For the QSEN modules: Using the initial login information on the QSEN description, create your free account. This will be valid for 90 days. Learn more

For the CNL & Leadership Education Modules: Click here to view your Online Learning & Conference Registrations. Any modules you have purchased will be available on this page under “On-Demand Programs.” You can also reach this page from your MyAACN Dashboard, under “Access My Purchases.”

All webinars, conference webcasts, and learning modules offer continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Continuing Education Credit is available for up to three years following the live presentation of the webinar. 

How will I receive my CE certificate?

Using the link provided at the end of the webcast or webinar, you will be able to complete the evaluation, and receive your electronic CE form which you can save to your computer.

What if I lost my CE certificate?

You can reach out to the Faculty Initiatives department faculty@aacnnursing.org with the title of the offering as well as the ‘live date’. We will confirm that you completed the evaluation and send you a link to the certificate.