NursingCAS Application Service

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The Centralized Application Service for Nursing

 is the Centralized Application Service for Nursing that provides accredited nursing colleges a FREE, robust admissions platform to manage data-driven application reviews in a cloud-based software efficiently. There is no cost for AACN member schools to  NursingCAS; all training, software, and support are free to school users/staff. Schools that participate in NursingCAS have access to tools for  based on custom criteria, , and conducting an  of applicants.

Improve Your Admissions Process

Through NursingCAS, students can research and apply to nursing programs at    nationwide at the doctoral, master's, bachelor's, and associate degree levels. In addition, NursingCAS provides valuable information to prospective nursing students about admissions requirements,   about programs with available space, and upcoming recruitment  at participating schools. Most importantly, NursingCAS enables prospective students to easily apply to the nursing program(s) of interest for a  with one online application and one set of transcripts.

New schools can join NursingCAS at any time throughout the year. One-on-one demos with the NursingCAS Team are available and can be requested by visiting the . If you are ready to join, click on the "Join" tab below and follow the link to fill out the Participation Agreement to get started. Questions? Contact the NursingCAS Team at nursingcas@aacnnursing.org.

Participation in NursingCAS is free and voluntary to accredited schools of nursing.  New schools are onboarded throughout the year. Each NursingCAS cycle runs for 17 months, from early August to late January in the following year. Schools may set the start and end dates for their programs for the terms available within an application cycle and within the date range of an open cycle. Review the for more information.

Schools can customize program-specific admissions requirements (transcripts, coursework entry, custom questions, essays, references, and document needs) and branding for the nursing program's listing on the application. Below is a summary of the next steps to join and launch a NursingCAS application for your nursing programs:

How to get started:

  • Request a one-on-one demo with the NursingCAS Team by visiting the .
  • Submit the . 
  • Complete an Onboarding Call with the NursingCAS Team to learn how to complete your program set-up.
  • Complete a (via live webinar or self-paced, online training). WebAdMIT is a free cloud-based admissions software that allows member schools to manage their backend admissions review process for NursingCAS applicants.
  • Complete program set-up on NursingCAS
  • Update your website to include information about NursingCAS.
  • Open programs on the NursingCAS application.

NursingCAS staff work with institutions to ensure smooth implementation of the application service, provide recommendations, best practices, support, and training. NursingCAS is customizable and can meet the unique needs of any program's admissions requirements. Furthermore, NursingCAS can be integrated with existing processes and technology systems that may already be in place at an institution.

To submit a Participation Agreement, please click "Join NursingCAS" to complete the online form. 

NursingCAS provides member schools with a free cloud-based admissions software (WebAdMIT) to manage data-driven application reviews in a cloud-based software efficiently.  includes tools for  based on custom criteria, , conducting an  of applicants, , , creating , and  to import into internal systems. Participating schools also have access to unique  that show how your school's applicant pool compares to the overall applicant pool, which can assist with benchmarking and informing recruitment strategies. Additionally, the system helps schools to facilitate a holistic admissions review. NursingCAS can also lead to cost savings. Use this to learn how.

Exclusive NursingCAS members get access to . Analytics is a robust Enrollment Data Visualization Tool that pulls data from NursingCAS & allows programs to track year over year data points with accompanying infographics.

Prospective nursing students prefer NursingCAS over traditional application methods because it streamlines the collection of materials, provides a portal with status updates on application materials (transcripts, references, etc.), and provides an expansive customer service team for application-related questions. Applicants pay a .

NursingCAS is operated by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) in partnership with , the nation’s leading provider of centralized application services (CAS) to health professions . Liaison currently works with many other disciplines, including dentistry, pharmacy, physician assistants, and public health.


NursingCAS was developed to maximize capacity in schools of nursing and fill all available seats. Even though enrollment and applications to schools of nursing have increased significantly, many schools have room to accommodate additional students each year. In the 2017-2018 academic year, over 69,000 qualified applications were turned away for baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs, even though almost 41,000 seats went unfilled. NursingCAS provides a much-needed mechanism to direct potential students to open seats at participating institutions. Learn more about how this is impacting your state.

NursingCAS is instrumental in providing accurate data to identify workforce trends and inform public policy decisions. The comprehensive data resulting from having a central entry point into nursing assists with developing workforce projections, identifying employment patterns, and tailoring recruitment strategies to reach under-represented populations in nursing. This service also provides health profession advisors with feedback on admissions trends and standards for the profession, in order to help steer qualified students into nursing programs.


NursingCAS launched in March 2010 with pre-licensure programs and expanded to graduate level programs in September 2010. The precursor to NursingCAS was a pilot, grant-funded project called WTNEPP by  (the West Texas Nursing Education Consortium). As a result of the initiative, all nursing applicant spaces where filled in WTNEC programs for the fall 2009 semester. Additionally, 24% of applicants using WTNEC were duplicate applications. NursingCAS seeks to achieve similar results on a national scale once widespread adoption is achieved. 


NursingCAS has enormous potential to produce vital data that can positively impact the profession and influence policy. AACN's goal is to have 60% of its member nursing institutions participate in NursingCAS by 2020. So, it is important that you  this initiative.

Nursing students deserve a robust, centralized application service (CAS) so they can easily research and apply to any program. Other health professions such as dentistry, medicine, physical therapy, PA, and pharmacy have a CAS system that all schools participate in. AACN wants the same for the nursing profession, and it will not be possible without your support and participation.

AACN would like to thank schools for contributing to this important nursing initiative and being a member of the NursingCAS community.