Member Engagement

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State Grassroots Liaisons (SGL)

What is a SGL?

SGLs are Deans/Directors/Chairs, who understand the importance of strengthening relationships between their members of Congress and AACN. Personal connections to congressional districts and states are paramount in AACN’s ability to have members of Congress support policies that align with AACN's Federal Policy Agenda and advance issues impacting academic nursing.

Why are SGLs essential?

AACN recognizes that its State Grassroots Liaisons (SGLs) are essential in the organization’s ability to advance AACN’s Federal Policy Agenda. In addition, SGLs serve as expert resources to colleagues in their state and help inform Government Affairs (GA) staff about state-level policy issues.

Find Your SGL

Resources for both new and experienced SGLs:



For University Government Relations Staff

University Government Relations Collaborative

The University Government Relations Collaborative (UGRC) provides university government relations (GR) staff a direct link to AACN’s Government Affairs department concerning nursing education advocacy initiatives and other federal policy work. This collaborative strives to ensure that GR representatives are armed with the most current advocacy efforts to help promote a clear, consistent, and unified message to federal and state legislators on national nursing issues.

For information on joining the UGRC, contact:

Rachel Minahan
Director of Government Affairs



Visiting Student Groups

AACN member schools can bring a student group to AACN’s offices or request Government Affairs and Health Policy staff to speak to a group of students. Requests must be made at least two months in advance. Staff will work with the member school to build an agenda that best meets attendee needs and staff resources. AACN staff will provide all presentations. For more information, please contact Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ Government Affairs Coordinator Andrew Bryant.