Call for Nominations for Special Election
AACN will have a vacancy on the Board of Directors for the position of Member-at-Large, and we are seeking member deans/directors interested in serving on the Board for a 10-month term from June 2025 through March 2026. Please note that the individual elected to fill this unexpired term is also eligible to apply for a second term on the Board of Directors. The nomination packet for the Special Election can be completed or can be submitted via email. If you would like to submit the materials via email, please reach out to The due date for nominations for this special election is Friday, March 21.
Award and Abstract Reviewers
Abstract and Awards Reviewers are a one-time volunteer opportunity to review a specific conference’s abstract submissions or award application submissions. Submit your interest here.
JPN Peer Reviewers
The Journal of Professional Nursing (JPN) is seeking reviewers to assist with peer review of submitted manuscripts. The journal uses an electronic system to match reviewers with manuscripts based on expertise. If interested, email with your areas of expertise.
Peer to Peer Dean Mentors
This program pairs seasoned deans with early career deans in the academic nursing field, fostering a mentorship dynamic where early career deans can gain invaluable guidance, insights, and strategies for effective leadership within the academic nursing landscape. If you have five or more years of experience in a Chief Academic Officer role, Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ invites you to serve as a Guiding Mentor in the program , or learn about Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ's Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Program.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the governing body for the association. Selected through an annual election process, AACN’s 14-member Board includes 11 dean representatives, two practice representatives, and the AACN President/CEO. The Call for Nominations for the Board is issued each spring.
Nominating Committee
This elected committee assesses member interest in serving on the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee and prepares the slate of candidates for the annual election. The Nominating Committee meets regularly via virtual meetings.
Committees, Subcommittees, Taskforces, and Advisory Groups
- Committees, including the Membership Committee, Government Affairs Committee, Program Committee, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, and the Foundation for Academic Nursing Advisory Committee, support the ongoing strategic work of the association. Appointments are made for up to two years, and committees generally meet during the Deans Annual Meeting and Academic Nursing Leadership Conference and have regular virtual meetings.
- Program Subcommittees: Program Subcommittees, such as the Doctoral Education Conference Subcommittee and Transform Subcommittee, focus on one of AACN's conferences. Appointments are made for 1-2 years, and the subcommittees have regular virtual meetings.
- Task Forces: The Board of Directors may establish task forces to focus on priority projects and initiatives. Appointments are time-limited, and task forces hold regular virtual meetings.
- Advisory Groups: Advisory Groups may be established based on the priorities of AACN. Appointments are typically 1-2 years, and the groups meet virtually.
- Steering Committees: Steering Committees may be established based on the priorities of AACN. Appointments are typically 2-3 years, and the committee meets virtually.
View all committees
Peer to Peer Dean Mentors
This program pairs seasoned deans with early career deans in the academic nursing field, fostering a mentorship dynamic where early career deans can gain invaluable guidance, insights, and strategies for effective leadership within the academic nursing landscape. If you have five or more years of experience in a Chief Academic Officer role, Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ invites you to serve as a Guiding Mentor in the program. , or learn about Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ's Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Program.
State Grassroots Liaisons
SGLs are Deans/Directors/Chairs, who understand the importance of strengthening relationships between their members of Congress and AACN. Personal connections to congressional districts and states are paramount in AACN’s ability to have members of Congress support policies that align with AACN's Federal Policy Agenda and advance issues impacting academic nursing. Learn more.
Abstract and Awards Reviewers
Abstract and Awards Reviewers are a one-time volunteer opportunity to review a specific conference’s abstract submissions or award application submissions. The time commitment is generally 2-4 hours to review and evaluate the submissions.
Committees, Taskforces, and Advisory Groups
- Program Subcommittees: Program Subcommittees, such as the Doctoral Education Conference Subcommittee and Transform Subcommittee, focus on one of AACN's conferences. Appointments are made for 1-2 years, and the subcommittees have regular virtual meetings.
- Task Forces: The Board of Directors may establish task forces to focus on priority projects and initiatives. Appointments are time-limited, and task forces hold regular virtual meetings.
- Advisory Groups: Advisory Groups may be established based on the priorities of AACN. Appointments are typically 1-2 years, and the groups meet virtually.
- Steering Committees: Steering Committees may be established based on the priorities of AACN. Appointments are typically 2-3 years, and the committee meets virtually.
Leadership Network Committees
Members of AACN’s Leadership Networks have a variety of volunteer and engagement opportunities including serving on the Leadership Network Steering Committees and other Network Committees such as Program, Membership and Communications Committees.
Business Officers of Nursing Schools (BONUS) Leadership Network is dedicated to facilitating networking among those who work in the administration of nursing education and to providing education in areas of business, technology, and financial and administrative management of nursing schools.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Leadership Network (DEILN) supports the efforts of AACN member institutions and academic nursing at the local, regional, and national levels to advance diversity and inclusion.
Graduate Nursing Admissions Professionals (GNAP) Leadership Network purpose is to provide an opportunity for those most involved in recruiting graduate nursing students to share their successes, develop new strategies, and to establish a resource network of peers.
Faculty Leadership Network (FLN) facilitates faculty networking and foster development of its members through webinars, conference sessions, and electronic communications that support the evolution of teaching and learning.
Nursing Advancement Professionals (NAP) Leadership Network fosters and enhances development and alumni relations activities in Colleges of Nursing by sharing fundraising, marketing, public and community relations expertise, technical skills and experiences by members of the group through an annual conference and other communication outlets.
Organizational Leadership Network (OLN) provides professional growth and development, information sharing, communication, and discussion of key issues. Networking within these groups will be facilitated through programs, meetings and electronic communications.
Faculty Practice Leadership Network (PLN): provides a network for those involved in clinical practice within academic nursing institutions.
Research Leadership Network (RLN) fosters professional growth and development, information sharing, communication, and discussion of key issues.
Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA) Committees
- Leadership Council: The GNSA Leadership Council is the governing body of the GNSA and is comprised of 10 elected members who serve a two year term. Leadership Council members serve in a leadership capacity and provide strategic direction on GNSA programs, services, and resources. Learn more.
- GNSA Advocacy Leaders: Advocacy Leaders receive support to become highly-skilled advocates and learn about the essential tools for effective advocacy at the local, state, and national levels. The committee consists of 104 members who serve a one year term with the possibility of serving an additional term. Learn more.
- GNSA Liaisons: GNSA volunteers in this role serve as the point of contact for their fellow students and have opportunities to provide feedback and programming suggestions directly to the Leadership Council. Learn more.
- Emerging Leaders: The emerging leader is a student that demonstrates excellence in their graduate program, excitement for their nursing practice or research work, and has potential to greatly contribute to health care. Recognized as future leaders in health care, emerging leaders are nominated and featured in the GNSA Bulletin. Learn more.