CNL Exam Faculty Waiver for 2024


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CNL Exam Faculty Waiver for 2024

The CNC Board of Commissioners voted to reinstate the faculty waiver for 2024. The Faculty Waiver will commence for the Spring 2024 exam administration.  Faculty interested in the CNL Certification Exam must meet the following eligibility requirements beginning April 15, 2024:

  1. Current RN license.
  2. Graduate degree in nursing or related health care discipline.
  3. Teach in an existing CNL education program.
           a. If not teaching in an existing CNL education program, faculty may submit an 
               appeal request letter to CNC’s Appeal Committee via email at 
  4. Current teaching experience must include:
           a. Clinical experience mentoring CNL immersion projects or;
           b. Didactic experience focused on the CNL skill set and aligned with CNL 
  5. Describe any relevant work experience as it relates to the CNL competencies.
  6. Letter from the Dean of the School of Nursing or designee explaining qualifications, current teaching.
  7. Must have registered and paid.


Contact CNC staff at CNL@aacnnursing.org

Categories: Certification