Diversity Digest Newsletter: Summer 2022


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Diversity Digest Newsletter: Summer 2022

Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ Diversity Digest Newsletter
Summer 2022 Edition
Welcome to AACN's Diversity Digest Newsletter!
The Diversity Digest is a quarterly newsletter highlighting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives launched by AACN and member schools of nursing. Please send details about your school's DEI initiatives to cdowning@aacnnursing.org. For more information on AACN’s DEI priorities, visit the AACN 
In This Edition:
  • School Spotlight: The University of Alabama at Birmingham 
  • Respectful Conversations About Race: It is Not If, But When
  • AACN and NLN Partner to Showcase Academic Nursing's Role in  Achieving Health Equity and COVID-19 Recovery
  • Registration and Call for Abstracts Open: AACN's 2022 Diversity Symposium
  • AACN's Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability in Nursing Education Lectureship Award 
  • Application Cycle Open for the 2023 Diversity Leadership Institute
  • ...and more! 
School Spotlight: The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Increasing Faculty Capacity to Teach LGBTQI Care Impact on Health
By Felesia Bowen PhD, DNP, ARNP, FAAN | She, Her
Professor, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing
Individuals who identify as LGBTQI often experience poorer health outcomes throughout their lifetime compared to non-LGBTQI individuals (CDC, 2020; UCLA School of Law Williams Institute, n.d.). Youth identifying as LGBTQI are more likely to experience substance use disorder, obesity, sexually transmitted infections, anxiety, and depression. They are also three times more likely to commit suicide (Hafeez, Zeshan, Tahir, Jahan, & Naveed, 2017). Adults identifying as LGBTQI are more likely to experience cardiovascular disease and depression and receive fewer cancer prevention therapies. Further, they are more likely to experience victimization, and the elderly are more likely to experience isolation (Caceres, Streed, & Corliss, et al., 2020). 
The health disparities experienced by members of the LGBTQI population are associated with poor access to preventive and primary health care. They tend to avoid traditional health care because they have experienced negative encounters with healthcare providers not well versed in the health needs of LGBTQI individuals (Macapagal, Bhatia, & Greene, 2016; Mitchell, Greene, & Skyes, 2016). This is problematic because 4.5% of the population in the United States identifies as a member of the LGBTQI community (Newport, 2018), and these individuals need high-quality, preventive healthcare delivered in a way that respects their personage.
Featured Article
Respectful Conversations About Race: It is Not If, But When
By Erin C. Donovan , EdD, MSN, RN
Department of Health Sciences, Moss School of Nursing, Colorado Mesa University
A special thank you to Elda G. Ramirez for taking the time to mentor me through this process. Your time, experience, and knowledge has been appreciated.
According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Position Statement (AACN, 2017), nursing education must develop a workforce who “fully value the importance of diversity, inclusion, and equity to promote the health of the nation and the world” (p. 3). The Essentials (AACN, 2021a) described the importance of promoting health equity, social justice, and called for action regarding bias, health inequities, and structural racism. Nursing as an art includes the ability to communicate with all those involved in patient care. When learning the art of respectful conversations, it is understood that disagreements will be prevalent; however, it can yield politeness, listening, understanding, and fruitful outcomes. Teaching about having respectful conversations, about racism, is not an IF, but a WHEN.
The United States population in 2020 were comprised of White (61.6%), Hispanic or Latino (18.7%), Black or African American (12.4%), other ethnicity (8.4%), Asian (6%), American Indian and Alaska Native (1.1%), and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (0.2%); however, 10.2% were mixed ethnicity (United States Census Bureau, 2022). Most notable was from 2010 to 2020, the United States saw a 275.7% increase in population of two or more races. By 2050, people of color will make up over half of the United States population (as cited in Kaiser Family Foundation, 2022). It is of the utmost importance to begin crucial conversations now.
Featured Video
AACN and NLN Partner to Showcase Academic Nursing's Role in 
Achieving Health Equity and COVID-19 Recovery
The academic nursing community over the past few years has made an incredible impact that has aided our transition to a healthier, stronger, more equitable, and more resilient tomorrow as we move closer to the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The American Association for Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the National League for Nursing (NLN) recently released a video showcasing how nursing schools are paving the path forward as we move toward the post-pandemic future. In the video, deans and leaders from both AACN and the NLN share how their schools have continued to work toward eliminating health disparities, achieving health equity, and increasing diversity within nursing education and the workforce. In addition, schools showcase how they are leveraging innovation and collaboration in the path toward the new “normal.”
Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ Opportunities and Resources
Be Part of AACN's 2022 Virtual Diversity Symposium
2022 Theme: What's Next? Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
in an Ever-Changing Landscape
This year's virtual conference, to be held November 9-10, 2022, will offer insights from Dr. Damon Williams, a visionary and inspirational national expert in strategic diversity leadership and organizational change, and Ms. Terrie Sterling, MSN, MBA, RN, the interim chief executive officer of the University Medical Center New Orleans. Join us for important discussions and actionable strategies for preparing a more diverse nursing workforce.
Submit an Abstract for the Diversity Symposium
Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ is currently seeking abstracts describing programs, courses, initiatives, or evaluation strategies that characterize this year's Diversity Symposium theme. Share your work that addresses one of the following topics: 
  • Integration of diversity, equity, and inclusion teaching strategies for didactic, clinical, or simulation-facilitated learning experiences.
  • Success strategies for underrepresented minority students, including those from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds, have disabilities, are first generation, identify as LGBTQIA+, speak English as a second language, and are part of other underrepresented groups.
  • Successful approaches for recruitment, hiring, retention, and promotion of underrepresented minority faculty.
  • Implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives while navigating new local, state, and national policies and laws regulating education on racism, discrimination, and inequity in higher education.
  • Creating experiential learning opportunities to expose students to the social determinants of health to achieve health equity for all.

Submission Deadline: September 9, 2022, at 12:00 PM (ET)
Apply Now: 2023 Diversity Leadership Institute 
AACN's Diversity Leadership Institute offers a unique opportunity to build your leadership capacity and explore the role of the Diversity Officer in academic nursing and nursing practice. This institute frames diversity within the context of higher education and academic nursing while presenting high-involvement diversity practices that can be deployed in a variety of settings.
This signature leadership development opportunity was created to stimulate strategic thinking and advance outcomes at participants' home institutions. This program will increase self-awareness while building skills and capacity to engage on issues surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion. This program requires participants to develop a diversity plan designed to drive excellence specifically tailored to their organization. Upon completion, participants will present their plan describing how they will apply their work in their respective organizations.
Application Deadline: November 30, 2022
AACN's Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability in Nursing Education Lectureship Award - Apply Now! 
Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ is currently accepting applications for the 2023 Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability in Nursing Education Lectureship Award. AACN presents this award to honor and recognize nursing schools for their extraordinary commitment to diversity excellence and inclusion in their learning environments. Annual awards may be made to one school in each of the following categories: Public Colleges/Universities, Private Colleges/Universities, Small Liberal Arts Colleges, and Academic Health Centers.
Diversity is defined as individual attributes that extend beyond race, age, and gender to also include, but are not limited to, characteristics such as national origin, immigrant status, language, color, disability, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, veteran status, and family structure. Inclusion is defined as a culture that encourages collaboration, flexibility, and fairness, as well as leverages diversity so that all individuals can participate and contribute to their full potential. An inclusive environment must be created for diversity to flourish. Sustainability occurs when structures and strategies are in place to manage diversity and institutionalize a culture of inclusion. Visit the AACN website to see the full criteria, application, and submission process, or click the button below. The application deadline is January 13, 2023.
Explore AACN's Diversity, Equity, & and Inclusion Faculty Tool Kit