5B Trailblazing Innovation | Integrating the Documentary 5B into Nursing Education

Online Community

Every month, AACN will initiate an online discussion based on one of the themes highlighted in 5B. We welcome all to join in these conversations and encourage participants to create discussion threads on topics of interest through AACN Connect..

AACN Connect is an online discussion community offered for faculty to share best practices, curriculum concerns, innovations, requesta feedback, and have your voice heard among a wide network of peers. This platform provides a convenient way for you to ask for expert advice, seek practical solutions to everyday challenges, test new ideas, and share the latest news impacting academic nursing. 

AACN Connect community is open to faculty, deans, students, and staff affiliated with AACN. To check to see if you have access to this community or to create profile and gain access, click here.  For non-AACN members who wish to participate in the 5B discussions, click here to register and begin sharing your thoughts, questions, and insights.

Please check back regularly to see when new discussion topics will be addressed. Send suggestions on topis of interest to 5B@aacnnursing.org.