Career Center Job Board Pricing

See below for pricing options available. If you have any questions, please contact careercenter@aacnnursing.org. For additional information and AACN's job board policies, see FAQs page.

Single Ad Pricing

Note:  In addition to the 30, 60, and 90 day posting, AACN has provided add-on features that include a green ad border for $50 and ad placement in Career Center's monthly e-mail for $100.  The Career Center monthly email is distributed to over 50,000 individuals in the academic nursing community. This monthly email is distributed on the 15th. To ensure that your ad(s) are included in the monthly email,  please post all ads by the 14th day of the month.  

30 Day Posting

$350 Member
$450 Non-Member

Includes: 30 days online per job

60 Day Posting

$600 Member
$800 Non-Member

Includes: 60 days online per job


Post a Job

90 Day Posting

$900 Member
$1200 Non-Member

Includes: 90 days online per job

Bulk Ad Package Options

Note: These ads can be used over the course of one calendar year. For your convenience, the purchaser of the package can add other members from their institution to the ad package, so that they can also benefit from the package. Ad packages can be used and managed from a user's My Job Postings. Once the ads are used, the package disappears, and users are welcome to purchase again.

Five 30-Day Ads

$1,400 Member
$1,900 Non-Member

Purchase Package

Five 30-Day Ads with Email Add-on

$1,800 Member
$2,350 Non-Member

Purchase Package

Five 30-Day Ads with Featured Border and Email Add-on

$2,000 Member
$2,550 Non-Member

Purchase Package

Ten 30-Day Ads

$2,625 Member
$3,600 Non-Member

Purchase Package

Ten 30-Day Ads with Email Add-On

$3,425 Member
$4,450 Non-Member

Purchase Package

Ten 30-Day Ads with Featured Border and Email Add-On

$3,825 Member
$4,875 Non-Member

Purchase Package