Submitting a Substantive Change Notification: Baccalaureate & Graduate Programs

Submission Guidelines

Templates are organized by type of substantive change. To find the correct template, please click on the link associated with the type of change below, in the “Substantive Change Policy” section. Programs must submit separate substantive change notifications for each type of change. Completed substantive change notifications must be emailed as a PDF document to ccnesubchange@ccneaccreditation.org.

If you have any questions about substantive changes, please contact Madeline Wales, Accreditation Coordinator, at mwales@ccneaccreditation.org or (202) 887-6791, ext. 248.

Substantive Change Policy and Templates

Please use the links below to download the appropriate template for the substantive change notification:

  1. Change in Program Mission, and/or Goals
  2. Change in Legal Status, Control, or Ownership
  3. Reduction in Resources
  4. Change in Consortium (Development, Change, or Closure)
  5. Merger or Acquisition of Nursing Program(s)
  6. Change in Status with Board of Nursing or Regulatory Agency
  7. Change in Status with Institutional and/or Nursing Accrediting Agency
  8. Addition of a New Nursing Track or Degree/Program
  9. Suspension of Admissions to a Nursing Track or Degree/Program
  10. Closure of a Nursing Track or Degree/Program
  11. Change in Curriculum Delivery or Modality
  12. Change in Location
  13. Change in Chief Nurse Administrator
  14. Change in Faculty Composition and/or Number
  15. Change in Student Enrollment
  16. Major Curricular Revision(s)
  17. Change in Student Achievement (Completion, Licensure, Certification, Employment)
  18. Other Type of Substantive Change

For more information about substantive changes, policies can be found on pages 26-28 in the CCNE Procedures for Accreditation of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing Programs.

The substantive change notification must be received by CCNE no earlier than 90 days prior to implementation or occurrence of the change, but no later than 90 days after implementation or occurrence of the change. See the section on Withdrawal of Accreditation: Closed Programs for information on the timing of reporting the closing of a degree offering.

The substantive change notification is submitted by the chief nurse administrator and must document the nature and scope of the substantive change. The notification also must document how, if at all, the change affects the program's compliance with the accreditation standards. The substantive change notification should not exceed 10 pages, excluding pertinent supplementary information, unless otherwise approved in advance by CCNE staff.

The substantive change notification is reviewed by the SCRC. Upon review of the notification, the SCRC may act to approve the change or may request additional information. If warranted, the notification is forwarded to the CCNE Board or other appropriate committee for review and action. The Board’s review of a substantive change notification may result in acceptance of the notification, additional reporting requirements, a focused or comprehensive on-site evaluation, issuance of a show cause directive, or an adverse action.

Continued accreditation of the program is contingent upon the chief nurse administrator apprising CCNE of substantive changes in a timely manner. The chief nurse administrator is encouraged to contact CCNE staff if there is a question about whether a particular change constitutes a substantive change.