diversity, equity, & inclusion | An AACN Faculty Tool Kit

Using the Tool Kit

The DEI tool kit is designed to help schools of nursing expand the capacity of faculty to grow personally and professionally and recognize challenges, barriers, and opportunities to promoting inclusive academic excellence.

Nursing schools vary in approaches to advancing and assessing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and reflect variations in degree of progress. The four dimensions listed below, widen the lens to allow a more comprehensive view that incorporates not only aspects of the overall institution on teaching and learning, but also the impact and influence of the communities in which the school is situated, the communities it serves, as well as the wider local, regional, national, and global contexts.

Throughout the tool kit, key references are identified for professional and personal development in DEI related topics. For example, the Education and Scholarship section offers not only tools and strategies, but it also provides more in-depth readings for preparation, pedagogical development, personal growth, and self-reflection. These dimensions will support nurse educators as they address diversity, equity, and inclusion in teaching and learning environments. 

Tool Kit Sections

The tool kit provides evidence-based resources and exemplars that nursing schools may use for these purposes:


For building inclusive teaching and learning environments that welcome, value, and affirm all students.


For building the capacity for schools and faculty to support their commitments to DEI.

Institutional Viability & Capacity

Access & Success

Climate & Intergroup Relations

Education & Scholarship