Payment Options

  1. Direct Deposit
    Financial Institution: Bank of America
    Financial Institution Address: 1152 15th St NW Ste 410 Washington, DC 20005-1869
    Routing #:  054001204
    Account #:  001925553330
    Account Type: Checking
    Email for Remittance Notification:  accounting@aacnnursing.org

  2. Credit Card - To view and pay open invoices, visit your MyAACN Dashboard. Your full personal Transaction History, including any outstanding invoices, is available under “Access My Purchases.” Additionally, if you are a designated contact for your AACN Member Institution, you can access your organization’s Transaction History via your Institution Profile.

  3. Check - When paying by check, please include a copy of the invoice and send to the address below:
    PO Box 418350
    Boston, MA 02241-8350
  4. Lockbox address for payments sent via courier (UPS/FedEx):
    Bank of America Merrill Lynch Lockbox Services
    Lockbox 418350
    2 Morrissey Blvd
    Dorchester, MA 02125

Find AACN’s W-9 here.

Please contact us for assistance.  We can be reached at accounting@aacnnursing.org or 202-463-6930 x 277.