Student and Faculty Access

Faculty Access and Sample Proposal

FREE Faculty Access to ELNEC Undergraduate/New Graduate

Faculty can request free access to ELNEC Undergraduate/New Graduate curricula by emailing ELNEC@coh.org. Please mention which curricula you would like to access.

When you receive access to the ELNEC Undergraduate/New Graduate or ELNEC Graduate curricula, you will also receive supplemental faculty materials. If you didn’t receive these items, please contact ELNEC@coh.org to request them.

Sample Proposal

Many faculty have requested a template to facilitate approval of incorporating the ELNEC curricula within their academic nursing programs. You can use this sample proposal for your dean/colleagues/institution/curriculum committee. Should you need anything further, please contact us at ELNEC@coh.org. We want to thank Creighton University for providing this template for use by other schools of nursing.


Student Access

Important: students will need to use their school email address when creating an account (for faculty tracking/reports).
Upon the date of purchase or token redemption, the curriculum will be available only for 12 months, so please be aware when planning courses.

System Requirements for Learners

There are 3 options for getting students set up:

  1. Schools can ask students to purchase the curriculum, much like they would a textbook, at $29. They will use this link to purchase their access through Relias Learning.
  2. Relias Learning can set up your institution’s bookstore with the curriculum so students can use their financial aid to purchase the curriculum. The good thing is that it’s easy/self-service for the students once they sign up.
  3. If your school wants to purchase the curriculum on behalf of the students, we offer a volume discount for students (see below)
Group Size Discount Rate Low Limit High Limit
1-24 students 5% $29.00 $661.20
25-49 students 7.5% $670.63 $1314.43
50-74 students 10% $1,305.00 $1,931.40
75-99 students 12.5% $1,903.13 $2,515.13
100-149 students 15% $2,465.00 $3,672.85
150+ students 20% $3,480.00 n/a