Suggested Videos for ELNEC-Core and/or ELNEC-Critical Care Courses

Module Title    Video/Scene/Ordering Information
Palliative Nursing Care  

: Showcases true hospice and palliative care through the work of an American nurse who built a 24-bed hospice in rural Kenya.  Though the work is in Kenya, the main principles of hospice and palliative care are shown throughout this 30-minute documentary.  

: A short 35 minute educational film, chronicles how doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains and other health care providers worked with Mr. Mayday and his wife, Cheryl, to be sure he was making a reasoned decision, and ultimately, to support his choice to remove his ventilator.


: A 1983 romantic comedy-drama film starring Shirley MacLaine, Debra Winger, and Jack Nicholson. It portrays the relationship between the mother, Aurora Greenway (MacLaine) and her daughter Emma (Winger). The scene used for the Pain module is a 1 minute segment; in which Shirley MacLaine is at the nursing station requesting pain medication for her daughter.

Ethical/Legal Issues   

: The story of an English professor, Vivian Bearing, PhD (Emma Thompson), diagnosed with Stage IV, metastatic ovarian cancer starting from the time of her diagnosis through tests, treatments, hospitalization and her decision to be a DNR. Scene (Chapter 15) used for the Ethics module has the nurse, Susie Monahan, sharing a popsicle with Vivian and discussing “DNR-no code status.”

Cultural/Spiritual Considerations  

: Louisiana’s infamous maximum security prison, is “home" for over 5,000 inmates, most of whom are expected to grow old and die behind bars. Yet, since 1998, a hospice program has been underway that has made better dying possible for those in its care, while having a positive effect on the general prison population.

: This is a 4 ½ minute depiction of this complex world if the world had 100 people.


: The story of an English professor, Vivian Bearing, PhD (Emma Thompson), diagnosed with Stage IV, metastatic ovarian cancer starting from the time of her diagnosis through tests, treatments, hospitalization and her decision to be a DNR. Scene (Chapter 15) used for the Ethics module has the nurse, Susie Monahan, sharing a popsicle with Vivian and discussing “DNR-no code status.”

: A story about Olive Hoover, a seven year old girl, who has one goal: to win a beauty pageant. Her heroin-addicted grandfather is her coach, and when she becomes a finalist in the Little Miss Sunshine pageant, her whole family takes on the road in an old run-down VW. The scene used for Communication ELNEC module is scene #13 entitled A Long Life on the DVD (about 5 min) and starts with the little girl stating that she can not wake up “grandpa” and illustrates the dynamics of the family and hospital staff in the emergency waiting room.

: This is a story of a dying gunfighter, John Bernard Books, which finds out that he has rectal cancer with two months to live and spends his last days looking for a way to die with minimum pain and maximum dignity. Scene (approximately 4 min) used for Communication Module starts with John Bernard Books (John Wayne) riding into town on horseback to be examined by the local MD (Jimmy Stewart). The MD proceeds to tell Mr. Books that he has cancer and the scene displays the open dialogue between the MD and Mr. Books.

Loss, Grief, Bereavement  

: At , we offer metastatic breast cancer survivors more than medicine... When a cancer patient completes their treatment, they look forward to celebrating their survivorship but for those forced to deal with metastatic disease, such a celebration will not be in their future. The Johns Hopkins Breast Center holds retreats for stage IV breast cancer survivors and the result is a weekend experience that has been transformational for those who attend as a patient, caregiver, or medical provider.This powerful video illustrates stories of the patients and their spouses and what this retreat means for them.

: This video revolves around Truvy's Beauty Parlor in a small parish in modern-day Louisiana. Steel Magnolia is the story of a close-knit circle of friends whose lives come together there. The scene (Chapter 13) used for the Loss, Grief, & Bereavement module has the women of the town supporting M'Lynn at the gravesite of her daughter, Shelby, at the funeral services. This scene illustrates the many phases of grief: e.g., denial, anger, bargaining, etc. 

Final Hours   : This video, “The Pause," demonstrates a brief acknowledgement of the patient's humanity just after death has been declared in the critical care setting.  For more information on The Pause, go to .