Introduction to Pediatric Palliative Care |
: The focus of the film is on the emotional and psychological aspects of pediatric palliative care. This video profiles five children with life threatening illness, and the families and health professionals who support them and addresses the complex issues surrounding end-of-life care for these children. The film shows that, despite popular belief, children can talk about end-of-life issues if given proper support, and that doing so can help both them and their families cope with the realities of their situation.
: Documentary that follows the stories of five exceptional children and their families as they battle pediatric cancer. From the trauma of diagnosis to the physical toll of treatment, this series documents the stresses that can tear a family apart as well as the courage of children facing the possibility of death with honesty, dignity and humor. As the film compresses six years into one narrative, it puts viewers in the shoes of parents, physicians, nurses, siblings, grandparents and social workers who struggle to defeat an indiscriminate and predatory disease.
Ethical Issues in Pediatric Palliative Care |
: The teenager known to the public as "Cassandra" blasted the Connecticut Supreme Court Friday, after it ruled she must undergo chemotherapy for her cancer. Cassandra wrote to the Hartford Courant, "I want the right to make my medical decisions." Her mother Jackie Fortin agrees that the 17-year-old should have the final say. CBS News legal analyst Rikki Klieman joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss the case.
: Just Because We Can, Should We? Explores the ethical dilemma parents face when told that their child “needs” a particular treatment, surgery or intervention, and palliative care options are not offered. The film explores the benefits of treatment consistent with the individual lifestyle and values of the patient and family.
Pain |
: We think of pain as a symptom, but there are cases where the nervous system develops feedback loops and pain becomes a terrifying disease in itself. Starting with the story of a girl whose sprained wrist turned into a nightmare, Elliot Krane talks about the complex mystery of chronic pain, and reviews the facts we're just learning about how it works and how to treat it.
Loss, Grief, Bereavement |
: Facing death can be hardest for a family expecting new life. Follow T.K. and Deidrea Lauxs journey after they learn that their unborn son has a genetic disorder called Trisomy 13. They hope the intimate look helps others understand and cope with infant loss.
: Featuring the Gauvin family and the unique story of Beckett and Clementine. If your child has a life limiting metabolic disorder or another pediatric life-threatening illness, this story may help you find your way. Visit to see more videos.