Scholar Achievements

Jonas Scholar Alumni Zhanette Coffee, PhD, Nia Adimu-Ceja Josiah, DNP, and Tonychris Nnaka, PhD, published an editorial in the Journal for Professional Nursing titled The authors, representing different cohorts of the Jonas Scholars program, wrote this editorial as an initiative of the Jonas Scholar Alumni Council, a group dedicated to fostering long-term connections among the nationwide Jonas Scholar alumni network.

The seventh cohort of Jonas Scholars (2021-2023) supported students who achieved numerous accolades, with a small sample of their research, awards, and recognitions highlighted below. 

The cohort released over 110 publications during their two years in the program, highlighting research in a variety of areas, including:

  • co-authored by Jonas Scholar Nia Josiah, DNP, MSN, RN, PMHNP
  • co-authored by Jonas Scholar Amy Warner, PhD, FNP-BC, MSN, RN
  •  co-authored by Jonas Scholar Jessica LeClair, PhD, MPH, RN

Jonas Scholars have achieved recognition for their work in research, practice, and scholarship. Jonas Alumni Award winners include:

  • Angela Godwin Beoku-Betts - 2021 40 Gators Under 40, presented by the University of Florida
  • Jessica LeClair – 2021 PHN Paper of the Year, presented by the Public Health Nursing Journal
  • Christian Owen – 2022 Sigma Rising Star Award, awarded by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
  • Angela Preston – 2023 Charlotte McGuire Graduate Scholarship Award, presented by the American Holistic Nurse Association

The seventh cohort of Jonas Scholars gave several poster and podium presentations at distinguished conferences. A selection of these presentations include:

  • Mollie Hobensack - (2023, June). Extracting Social Risk Factors from Home Healthcare Clinical Notes. [Extended Abstract Presentation]. Artificial Intelligence in Nursing (AINurse23), Portoroz, Slovenia.
  • Kirsten Verkamp – (2021, June). Predictors of Service Member and Veteran Quality of Life: A Secondary Data Analysis. San Antonio Military Health Systems (SAMHS) and Universities Research Forum (SURF), 7th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
  • Timothea Vo - (2021, October 27–30). Cultural alienation: A concept analysis [Podium presentation]. International Transcultural Nursing Society (TCNS), 47th Annual Conference: Setting a Course in Turbulent Times, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
  • Avi Wofsy - (2023, May 11-14). Mental Health Services in Georgia (Poster). The American Association for the History of Medicine Annual Meeting. Ann Arbor, MI.

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