GNSA Award for PhD-DNP Collaboration Excellence

The Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA) is offering an award recognizing excellence in collaboration among students in PhD and DNP programs. As the need for greater interaction among students in these two doctoral-level programs becomes more evident, this award will recognize the outstanding work underway to advance the nursing profession through an innovative and synergistic approach in translating research into practice and generating new knowledge. Award recipients will offer examples for how future doctoral students can collaborate in ways that advance nursing science and practice.

2024 Application Cycle is Now Closed.

2022 Winners

Title: The Magic of Collaboration and Innovation! A PhD-DNP-Led Center for Nursing Excellence and Innovation to Promote Nursing Science and Sustain Practice Changes

Headshot of Kaylan Branson   Headshot of Julie Van Orne

Kaylan Branson, MSN, RN, CPN, CNL
DNP Student
University of Texas Medical Branch


Julie Van Orne, MSN, RN, CPN, CNL
PhD Student
Texas Woman’s University


2021 Winners

Title: We Matter! Development of a Program to Increase HCP’s Awareness of Weight Bias

Habibah Williams   Aislinn Woody
Habibah Williams, MSN, AGACNP-BC
DNP Student
University of Virginia
  Aislinn Woody, BSN, RN
PhD Student
University of Central Florida


2020 Winners

Title: Preserving Maternal Infant Attachment in COVID-19: Integrating Policy and Nursing Practice

Christine Lee, MPH, RN, BSN, PHN, CPH, CHES 
PhD Student
Azusa Pacific University

Bridget Miranda, MSN
DNP Student
Azusa Pacific University


2019 Winners

Title: PhD/DNP Collaboration Project to Improve Patient Outcomes for Stroke Survivor and Caregiver Dyads

Meghan Hultman, MSN, RN 
PhD Student
University of Minnesota
  Deborah St. Anthony, MEd, BSN, RN 
DNP Student 
University of Minnesota
  Hannah Shibeshi, BAN, RN, CNRN, CCRN
DNP Student
University of Minnesota



If you have any questions, please e-mail gnsa@aacnnursing.org.

Congratulations to the 2022 PhD-DNP Collaboration Excellence Award Recipients!

Title: The Magic of Collaboration and Innovation! A PhD-DNP-Led Center for Nursing Excellence and Innovation to Promote Nursing Science and Sustain Practice Changes

Headshot of Kaylan Branson

Kaylan Branson, MSN, RN, CPN, CNL
DNP Student
University of Texas Medical Branch

Headshot of Julie Van Orne

Julie Van Orne, MSN, RN, CPN, CNL
PhD Student
Texas Woman’s University

View Past Winners