New Era for Academic Nursing Award

The inaugural 2017 New Era for Academic Nursing Awards were presented at the Academic Nursing Leadership Conference in October. These awards recognize AACN member institutions that have successfully implemented recommended strategies from AACN's report Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing.

Nominations are closed.

The dean/director of the program receiving the award and the clinical practice representative will be recognized at the next AACN Academic Nursing Leadership Conference. See details below on how to submit a nomination.

This inaugural award recognizes AACN member institutions that have successfully implemented recommended strategies from AACN's report Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing. This award was presented for the first time at the 2017 AACN Academic Nursing Leadership Conference (formerly Fall Semiannual Meeting) in Washington, D.C.

The call for award applications will be announced in October 2023, with the nomination application packets due May 15, 2023.

  • The academic nursing partnership demonstrates an innovative and sustained relationship that meets one of the following six New Era report recommendations:
    1. Embrace a New Vision of Academic Nursing,
    2. Enhance the Clinical Practice of Academic Nursing,
    3. Partner in Preparing the Nurses of the Future,
    4. Partner in the Implementation of Accountable Care,
    5. Invest in Nursing Research Programs and Better Integrate Research into Clinical Practice,
    6. Implement an Advocacy Agenda in Support of a New Era for Academic Nursing.
  • The joint partnership exemplifies one of the following ideal six characteristics:
    1. Shared Governance and Open Communication,
    2. Alignment of Vision, Goals, and Strategy,
    3. Supportive Resources and Infrastructure,
    4. Integrative Research Programs,
    5. Interprofessional Collaboration,
    6. Focus on Improved Community Health Outcomes.
  • The exemplary partnership demonstrates positive outcomes that are measurable.
  • The strong partnership is currently in place and has future plans for sustainability.

The awards committee is looking for submissions that represent the full spectrum of AACN member institutions, including nominations from small schools and private schools. All nominations will be reviewed by an awards review committee and approved by the AACN Board of Directors. The review committee reserves the right not to recommend an award in any given year.

Schools may submit only one award nomination in any given year.

2023 nominations are closed.

The dean/director of the program receiving the award and the clinical practice representative will be recognized at the AACN Academic Nursing Leadership Conference and highlighted in AACN newsletters and press releases as well as on the AACN Web site. A plaque will be provided to both the dean and the practice partner.

2023 New Era Award winners2023 Winner

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Cizik School of Nursing and Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center

deb trautman, cynthia mccurren, and representatives from the university of florida2022 Winner

University of Florida College of Nursing and their practice partner University of Florida Health System

2021 Winner2021 New Era for Academic Nursing Award

University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) College of Nursing and their practice partner University of Illinois Chicago Health System (UI Health) 

Logos of Columbia University and New York-Presbyterian Hospital

2020 Winner

Columbia University School of Nursing and their practice partner New York-Presbyterian Hospital

2019 Winner

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and their practice partner Vanderbilt University Medical Center

2018 Winner2018 New Era for Academic Nursing award winners

University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing and their practice partner University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital

2017 Winners

2017 New Era for Academic Nursing award winnersUniversity of Utah College of Nursing and their practice partner University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics

The Northeast Region VA Nursing Alliance (NERVANA)

  • Boston College Williams F. Connell School of Nursing 
  • Northeastern University School of Nursing 
  • Regis College School of Nursing 
  • Simmons College School of Nursing and Health Sciences 
  • University of Massachusetts-Lowell Solomont School of Nursing 
  • University of Massachusetts-Boston College of Nursing and Health Sciences 
  • Boston Bedford VA
  • View Demonstrated Recommendation(s) and Characteristic(s)


If you have any questions, please e-mail Cassandra Godzik at cgodzik@aacnnursing.org.

Congratulations to the 2023 Award Winners!

photo of New Era Award winners

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Cizik School of Nursing and Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center

Featured Webinar Series: A New Era for Academic Nursing

AACN's New Era for Academic Nursing webinar series was designed to highlight outstanding examples of interprofessional engagement happening across the nation in response to recommendations contained in the groundbreaking report on Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing.

Access the Webinars On-Demand

Download New Era for Academic Nursing Report