Sister Bernadette Armiger Award

Sister Bernadette Armiger was the third president of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. She served as president from 1972-1974 during her deanship at the Niagara University College of Nursing in New York.

As President of AACN, Sister Bernadette was instrumental in forming the alliance between AACN and the ANA, as well as the Interorganization Committee for Implementation of Nursing's Role in Health Care Delivery, which brought together the presidents and executive directors of AACN, ANA, and the NLN. She also established AACN's connections with the Association of Academic Health Centers, the Association of American Medical Colleges, and the Coalition for Health Funding.

As an active member in AACN, Sister Bernadette Armiger made significant contributions to nursing in both the academic and professional arenas. To honor her distinguished service, and to recognize and encourage efforts toward the advancement of nursing education and practice, AACN established the Sister Bernadette Armiger Award in 1982.

Application is now closed.

To recognize a nursing leader who has made significant contributions to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and its goals, to nursing education, and to the advancement of the profession.

The award is presented annually in the fall.

Representatives of current Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ member institutions are eligible to nominate candidates for the award.

  1. A call for nominations will be included onine and in the Deans Annual Meeting Materials.
  2. Each nomination must be accompanied by statements of endorsement from two additional AACN members, a total of three endorsements. All three statements must address how the candidate meets the criteria for this award. The originator of the nomination is responsible for soliciting the endorsements.
  3. Nominations are due at Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ Headquarters by May 15, 2023.

Representatives of current Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ member institutions are eligible to nominate candidates for the award.

  1. Active in and given service to AACN while serving as a representative of a member institution. "Active" indicates attendance at meetings and "service" indicates service on committees, board of directors, as an officer, etc.
  2. Nationally recognized for significant contributions to nursing education.
  3. Demonstrated qualities of scholarship, leadership, and advancement of the nursing profession.
  4. Service as an exemplary role model in nursing.

  1. The Board of Directors will review all nomination materials and will decide on the award recipient during the summer.
  2. The recipient of the award will be notified by the president. Nominators of the winner and all candidates not selected will also be notified of the decision.

Please submit your nomination and supporting documentation to AACN Membership Director Beth Aronson at (202) 463-6930, ext. 263 or at baronson@aacnnursing.org.

The award will be presented at Academic Nursing Leadership Conference.


For more information, contact Ã÷ÐÇ°ËØÔ Membership Director Beth Aronson at 202-463-6930, ext. 263 or baronson@aacnnursing.org.

2022 Award Winner
Dr. Eileen Breslin

2022   Dr. Eileen Breslin, Former Board Chair

2018   Dr. Jane Kirschling, Former Board Chair, Dean, University of Maryland School of Nursing

2017   Dr. Fay Raines, Former AACN President, Former Dean and Professor, University of Alabama in Huntsville

2016   Nancy DeBasio, The Research College of Nursing

2015   Joanne Warner, University of Portland

2014   Roberta Olson, South Dakota State University

2012   Carole Anderson, The Ohio State University

2010   Andrea R. Lindell, University of Cincinnati

2009   Jean Bartels, Georgia Southern University

2008   Kathleen Ann Long, University of Florida

2007   Carolyn A. Williams, University of Kentucky

2006   Betty M. Johnson, University of Virginia College at Wise

2004   Ada M. Lindsey, University of Nebraska Medical Center

2002   Rita M. Carty, George Mason University

2000   Linda K. Amos, University of Utah

1998   Patricia L. Starck, University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston

1996   Geraldene Felton, University of Iowa

1994   Rosalee Yeaworth, University of Nebraska Medical Center

1992   Jeannette Spero, University of Cincinnati

1990   Billye Brown, University of Texas-Austin

1988   Rheba de Tornyay, University of Washington

1986   Eloise Lewis, University of North Caroline-Greensboro

1984   Mary Kelly Mullane, University of Iowa

1982   Jannetta MacPhail, Case Western Reserve University