Strategies to Reverse the New Nursing Shortage

A Policy Statement from Tri-Council members for Nursing:

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) 
American Nurses Association (ANA) 
American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) 
National League for Nursing (NLN)

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There is no simple description of the status of the nursing workforce shortage - present and future. Discussion surrounding this issue is complex and interrelated. It is not possible to isolate single factors or solutions. Rather, a systems perspective review gives the greatest depth and understanding of the relationships between multiple variables. It is critical to include the systematic issues in education, health delivery systems and the work environment. Further, the impact of reimbursement, legislation, regulation and technological advances must also be considered. Failure to consider the relationships among these aspects limits the full appreciation of the nursing workforce shortage complexity.

The Tri-Council is an alliance of four autonomous nursing organizations each focused on leadership for education, practice and research. While each organization has its own constituent membership and unique mission, they are united by common values and convene regularly for the purpose of dialogue and consensus building. The Tri-Council's diverse interests encompass the nursing work environment, health care legislation and policy, quality of health care, nursing education, practice, research and leadership across all segments of the health care delivery system. Member organizations believe the alliance captures the collectivity of nursing's social, political, professional and moral authority nationally and internationally to influence and provide stewardship within the profession of nursing. These organizations represent nurses in practice, nurse executives and nursing educators.

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