Editor: Patricia G. Morton, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC, FAAN
University of Utah College of Nursing
The Official Journal of the
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Keep pace with continuing changes in legislative, regulatory, ethical, and professional standards that affect your nursing career with this bimonthly scholarly journal. Each issue presents observations by nursing leaders on the diverse roles of baccalaureate- and graduate-prepared nurses, as well as insightful columns on clinical, legislative, regulatory, ethical, and other concerns of vital interest to nursing educators, researchers, and practitioners.
JPN is published six issues per year and subscription rates vary for individuals, institutions, and students. A subscription to JPN is just one of the benefits of being a institutional member of AACN.
For non-members who are interested in subscribing, please contact the publisher Elsevier at 877-839-7126 or usjcs@elsevier.com or visit their .
The focus of the journal is baccalaureate and higher degree nursing education, educational research, policy related to education, educational administration, and education and practice partnerships.
Published Bimonthly
ISSN 8755-7223