Leading Across Multidimensional Perspectives (LAMPâ„ )

AACN’s Leading Across Multidimensional Perspectives (LAMPâ„ ) Culture and Climate Survey was developed to assess the experiences of diverse students, faculty, and staff at nursing schools and identify practices that facilitate student success and a sense of belonging. The LAMPâ„  survey instrument provides action reports that assess the unique culture and programmatic characteristics of individual schools of nursing. LAMPâ„  gives academic administrators a better understanding of how their learning environment influences student experiences and achievement, which can help drive institution-level decision-making and meaningful change. For more information and key findings, read the press release.

Why Conduct a LAMP Survey

Why Conduct a Culture and Climate Survey?

Provides a mechanism for gathering thoughtful input from students, faculty, and staff to help you determine what is working well and where more progress is needed in your efforts to create an inclusive learning environment.

Allows your school to benchmark its performance to a national data set and measure your progress over time. Participating schools will receive reports with feedback in 5 thematic areas:  Perceptions of Culture and Climate, Fair Treatment and Observations of Discrimination, Belongingness, Value of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Campus Services and Clinical Training.

What to Expect from AACN


Schools will be provided with a memorandum of understanding outlining the support and management that will be provided during the LAMPSM Culture and Climate Survey during all phases of the survey. If IRB is required, guidance will be provided for the IRB application process. AACN staff will provide a pre-launch call outlining the process.

Data Collection and Report

The AACN LAMPSM Culture and Climate Survey is maintained within AACN. AACN will monitor the responses and response rates, generate and disseminate bi-weekly reports and provide technical assistance during data collection.  The schools will receive a school report along with a national report for comparison across nursing schools who have also completed the LAMPSM Culture and Climate Survey.

Optional Services

Schools may be extended the option for a follow-up consultation visit to receive guidance on developing an action plan. The cost of this service will be determined by the scope of services for this engagement.

Cost for LAMPSM Culture and Climate Survey

Type of Campus AACN Member School Non-Member School
Single Campus $2,500 $4,000
2-3 Campus Sites $5,000 $6,500
>4 Campus Sites To be negotiated based on number of campus sites.
Service Request

Interested in Conducting a LAMPâ„  Survey?

Nursing schools interested in learning more about the LAMPâ„  survey, including expectations for participating schools, are encouraged to complete the LAMPâ„  inquiry form.

Learn More


New Monograph on Belongingness in Academic Nursing

Discover practical strategies to enhance engagement in academic nursing. AACN's latest monograph, "Building a Culture of Belonging," provides actionable recommendations for schools to foster a positive culture among students, faculty, and staff. Learn how aligning values with actions can lead to a more positive student experience, increased faculty engagement, and long-term success.

Download Monograph PDF