Request for Testing Date Change

  • Candidates needing to change the scheduled exam date within the testing period 5 days or more from the scheduled exam appointment (you have selected a date/time/location) need to first email CNC at CNL@aacnnursing.org  to confirm approval of being able to change your exam date. Once approved, contact Prometric SMT at (866) 773-1114 and will be charged a $25 fee by Prometric SMT. NOTE: If you did not schedule your exam appointment, the fee will not be charged by Prometric SMT.
  • Candidates needing to change the scheduled exam date within the testing period 4 days or less from the scheduled exam appointment (you have selected a date/time/location) are only able to reschedule or cancel the exam if one of the following situations occur: 1. Jury duty, 2. Death in immediate family (grandparents, parents, spouse, siblings, children), 3. Military deployment, 4. Sickness. Candidates need to first email CNC at CNL@aacnnursing.org  to confirm approval of being able to change your exam date. Proper documentation must be provided to Prometric SMT within 10 days from the missed exam appointment. 
  • Candidates changing the test date to another testing period need to first email CNC at CNL@aacnnursing.org  to confirm approval of being able to another testing period. Once approved, candidates must submit the online CNL Exam Testing Period Change Form by login in to their (under the “Forms tab” select “View Available Forms”). There is a $75 administration fee by CNC and a $25 fee by Prometric SMT. 
  • Candidates who fail to notify CNC of a request for change (no shows) are required to submit a new application and fee to sit for the exam at a later date. The exam date may be changed only once. If more than one change is necessary, resubmission of the application and fee will be required.
Changing Your Exam Date Within the Testing PeriodNOTE: You must first email CNC at CNL@aacnnursing.org to confirm approval of being able to change your exam date. Once approved by CNC, contact Prometric SMT at (866) 773-1114.
Number of Days Prior to Your Scheduled Exam Appointment                                          Policy                                                Fee Paid to Prometric SMT 
*5 days or more    Allowed to reschedule or cancel a scheduled exam. No documentation needed.    $25.00
4 days or less    Rescheduling not permitted unless one of the four situations:
1. Jury duty
2. Death in immediate family (grandparents, parents, spouse, siblings, and children)
3. Military deployment
4. Sickness.
Proper documentation must be provided to Prometric SMT /no refund or credit.
   No Fee
 *NOTE: If you do not schedule your actual exam date with Prometric SMT and want to change your exam date you will not be charged the $25.00 fee.



Changing Your Exam to Another Testing PeriodNOTE: You must first email CNC at CNL@aacnnursing.org to confirm approval of being able to change to another testing period. Once approved, access the Exam Testing Period Change Form via (under Forms tab)
Deadline   Policy   Fee Paid to
Payment must be received by the form’s due date.          

Allowed to reschedule. Payment must be received by the form’s due date. A maximum of one change is allowed. Beyond one change, resubmission of the initial application and fee is required. No shows must submit a new initial application and fee for the exam. 

Fees are subject to change at any time and are non-refundable.

                            CNC $75.00
Prometric SMT