CNC Board of Commissioners Volunteer Guidelines

The Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) is currently recruiting volunteers to serve as members of the Board of Commissioners. The Commission on Nurse Certification Board of Commissioners (CNCBOC) is the autonomous certifying body of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The CNCBOC develops policies and procedures that ensure the CNCBOC’s autonomy in decision-making over essential certification functions including but not limited to the development and administration of the Clinical Nurse LeaderSM (CNL®) Examination. Board members must possess competencies in strategic thinking, financial planning and be team oriented. The CNC offers certification to graduates of CNL education programs and CNL faculty who meet the eligibility requirements established by the CNCBOC.

Available Positions

Four CNCBOC positions are available:

  • Three positions from the academic setting; and
  • One position from the practice setting;

All positions require a three-year term beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2027.

Composition of the CNCBOC

The CNCBOC includes nine voting members and one or more ex-officio (non-voting) members. Voting members of the CNCBOC are as follows:

  • Four members from the practice setting (two from practice partners and/or two practicing certified CNLs);
  • Four members from the educational setting (faculty/other); and, 
  • One consumer/public member. 


To be considered for a CNCBOC position, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • The practice and education members must have had at least two years of work experience
  • The practice and education members must hold an active CNL credential
  • The consumer/public member has been or is a potential consumer of the CNL’s services and has experience with public advocacy; the consumer/public member is not a Registered Nurse.

Members of the CNCBOC may not serve on the AACN Board of Directors or any other health professional certifying board and may not serve as item writers for the CNL Certification Exam during their term.

The CNCBOC Nominating Committee will evaluate the applications submitted and propose a slate of qualified candidates to fill the vacant positions.

Slate Selection Criteria:

  • Need for representation across academic/practice setting, demographic information, and geographical regions;
  • Need for representatives reflecting subject matter expert diversity;
  • Special consideration will be given to candidates with previous service on national boards and committees, distinguished awards and special recognitions, research/ scholarship, and/or thought leadership; and,
  • Conflict of interest. 


The charge of the CNCBOC is as follows:

  • Develop bylaws, policies and procedures for the administration of the CNL certification program;
  • Outline fiscal and human resources necessary to support the certification program to ensure effective and thorough certification and recertification activities;
  • Develop annual goals to guide the work of the CNC;
  • Design a continuous quality improvement process for the CNL certification process; and,
  • In collaboration with staff, maintain accreditation for the CNL Certification Program.

The CNCBOC meets quarterly, via conference calls or electronically, and at other times as necessary as determined by the CNCBOC Chair.  An orientation for new members is scheduled in June via web-meeting. The CNCBOC Annual Business Meeting is typically scheduled in February and is held face-to-face one day prior to the CNL Research Symposium. Members are reimbursed for actual expenses incurred for and directly related to participation. CNCBOC members are expected to make arrangements to attend all meetings; any CNCBOC member who misses two consecutive meetings, including web-meetings and conference calls, may be required to relinquish their position. A quorum constitutes fifty percent of the CNCBOC members to be present.

Application Checklist

To apply, please submit:

  • Application Form
  • Career Summary of Qualifications (500 words maximum)
  • Current Curriculum Vita/Resume
  • Enclosed Consent Statement Form

Applications must be received at the CNC by March 18, 2024.

Submit the application to CNC Staff at cnl@aacnnursing.org

Applicants will be notified by May 15, 2024 of the CNCBOC action regarding appointments.

For more information about the CNC, go to http://www.aacnnursing.org/CNL-Certification.