CNL Speaker Bureau

AACN created this online resource to assist individuals looking for speakers to discuss the Clinical Nurse Leader role and its implementation in the practice setting. Those wishing to have their names added to this list must send a request to Bridget Bingle, AACN Nursing Education Coordinator, at BBingle@aacnnursing.org. Please feel free contact these speakers directly and let us know if you need further assistance by contacting jstanley@aacnnursing.org.

Lynn Gardner
Director of Certification
Commission on Nurse Certification
Topic: CNL Certification

Joan Stanley, PhD, RN, FAAN, CRNP, CNL
Chief Academic Officer
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Washington, DC
Topics: Development of the CNL initiative; CNL role

Cynthia R. King, PhD, NP, MSN, CNL, FAAN
Professor and Nurse Scientist
Presbyterian School of Nursing
Blair College of Health
Queens University at Charlotte
Charlotte, NC
Topics: Development of CNL program, recruiting practice partners, CNL Role