I Have the CNL Power Essay Winners


Clinical Nurse Leader Category

Headshot of Cheyenne Hushka

Cheyenne Hushka, MSN, RN, CNL
Registered Nurse, Community Hospital
Winning Essay and 

Faculty Category

Headshot of Jeanne Adam Bernier

Jeanne Adam Bernier, MSN, RN, CNL
MSN-CNL Program Director/Instructor, Mississippi College School of Nursing
Winning Essay and 


Clinical Nurse Leader Category

Maria Cielo Borrinaga

Maria Cielo Borrinaga, MSN, RN-BC, CNL, CCRN
Clinical Nurse Leader, VA Dallas Medical Center
Winning Essay and

Student Category

Cynthia Vanlangendonck

Cynthia Vanlangendonck
RN Program Manager Patient Relations, Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital
Winning Essay and

Faculty Category

Karen Hoblet

Karen L. Hoblet, PhD, MSN, RN, CNL
Associate Professor, University of Toledo College of Nursing
Winning Essay and

Employer Category

Rocio Garcia | Rhiannon Rasmussen | Dina Perez-Graham

Rocio G. Garcia, MSN, RN, CNL, Executive Director of Emergency Services,
Rhiannon Rasmussen,
MSN, RN, CNL, Assistant Director of Quality,
Dina Perez-Graham, MSN, RN, Associate Chief,
University Health San Antonio
Winning Essay and



Clinical Nurse Leader Category

Sharlene Parmley

Sharlene Parmley, MSN, RN, CNL
Clinical Nurse Leader, Spartanburg Medical Center
Winning Essay and

Faculty Category

Dianna Sorenson

Dianna Sorenson, PhD, MBA, CNS, RN, CNL
Professor of Nursing, Morningside College
Winning Essay and



Clinical Nurse Leader Category

david wolf

David Wolf, MSN, RN, CNL
Clinical Nurse Leader, Texas Health Allen
Winning Essay and

Student Category

Portia Bluford-Briggs

Portia Bluford-Briggs, MSN, RN, CNL
Clinical Nurse Leader, Self Regional Healthcare
Winning Essay and

Faculty Category

mary stachowiak

Mary Stachowiak, DNP, RN, CNL
Director Clinical Leadership Program, Rutgers School of Nursing
Winning Essay and