Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Schools of Nursing Tool Kit

A Call to Action for Nursing Leadership to Promote Smoke- and Tobacco-Free Schools of Nursing on Smoke- and Tobacco-Free Campuses Across the United States

Whereas tobacco use and exposure remains the leading cause of preventable death in the United States;

Whereas the World Health Organization reports the future global tobacco epidemic is projected to see over 8 million deaths a year by 2030;

Whereas smoke- and tobacco-free polices can significantly reduce tobacco-related morbidity and mortality by preventing exposure to second-hand smoke and increasing quit rates;

Whereas the emergence of alternative tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, is increasing and pose additional health issues and concerns;

Whereas the majority of schools of nursing are on campuses that have not implemented smoke- and tobacco-free environments as monitored by the American for Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation;

Whereas smoking and tobacco use among students and their lack of adequate knowledge about tobacco health effects and tobacco dependence treatment negatively impacts their ability to intervene with patients who use tobacco;

Be it resolved that the American Association of College of Nursing will strongly encourage schools of nursing to promote 100% smoke- and tobacco-free policies on their campuses to support a healthy working and living environment for all students, staff, and faculty.

And be it further resolved that deans in schools of nursing can provide leadership to advocate for and assist in the implementation of policies on college campuses that meet the American College Health Association goals for a smoke- and tobacco-free environment and smoking cessation support for all students.

Endorsed by the AACN Membership:  March 21, 2016

Contains data on colleges and universities that are tobacco free, model policies for smoke free and tobacco free colleges and universities, and other fact sheets and advocacy materials.

Contains resources created by college students for use in advocacy campaigns and provide technical assistance to colleges and universities that are planning to go tobacco free.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) created the Tobacco-Free College Campus Initiative (TFCCI). 
See website for tool kits and guides for students, faculty and administrators on implementing a tobacco free campus, links with social media initiatives, and a list of smokefree campuses.

Resources for young people and colleges interested in becoming tobacco free, including announcements for grant opportunities, campaign resources and cessation resources.

Heath J, Hollen PJ, Bialous SA, Cyone B, Sarna L. . Nurse Outook. 2016 May-June;64(3):271-8. DOI: 10.1016/J.OUTLOOK.2015.12.008. EPUB 2015 Dec 22.
Article detailing the findings from an initial survey assessing smoke- and tobacco-free policies in colleges and universities with nursing schools.

Resources for nurses and tobacco control.

Several resources and examples, including social media campaigns, on how UCLA planned and implemented a tobacco free initiative, including the leadership of UCLA’s School of Nursing, and set the example for the UC system.

Several resources and examples on how the University of Kentucky planned and implemented a tobacco free initiative, including the leadership of UK College of Nursing’s Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy

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