IPE Websites
Established in 2009, IPEC is a coalition of 21 national health professions education associations committed to advancing interprofessional learning experiences and helping prepare future health professionals for enhanced team-based care of patients and improved population health outcomes.
This working collection of available resources features teaching and learning resources regarding IPE for collaborative practice.
These free, dynamic webinars are open to all AACN members.
Annually given by IPEC and USPHS Commissioned Officers Foundation for the Advancement of Public Health, this joint award recognizes multidisciplinary efforts to impact community health. The overall winner(s) receive a $2,000 travel stipend and their award plaque at the annual Summer IPEC Member Meeting in Washington, DC, and present a national IPEC webinar on their project and findings.
In 2020, IPEC partnered with the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) to assist in developing and executing a scoping review to evaluate the evidence linking IPE interventions to improving the delivery of safe and effective patient care.
A coalition of eleven leading health professions organizations, including AACN, IPC focuses on developing and sharing educational resources related to assessment of interprofessional professionalism.
Global Forum is an ongoing, convening activity of the that brings together stakeholders from multiple nations and professions to network, discuss and illuminate issues within health professional education.
NAP is an interdisciplinary group of practitioners dedicated to advancing interprofessional healthcare by fostering collaboration and advocating policies in the best interest of individuals and communities.
The National Center offers and supports evaluation, research, data and evidence that ignites the field of interprofessional practice and education and leads to better care, added value, and healthier communities.
This free, self-paced, interactive, online teaching module demonstrates the importance of interprofessional practice among health professionals to improve and protect population health.
NCICLE provides a forum for organizations committed to improving the educational experience and patient care outcomes within clinical learning environments.
Designed by diverse educators in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this working collection features clinical learning experiences, which can be readily used or easily adapted for specific, local settings, without the need for physical patient contact.
IPR.Global is a special interest group of the Interprofessional.Global, promotes and advocates for evidence-informed policies and practices through fostering and facilitating theory-driven, methodologically rigorous IPE and collaborative practice research.
Additional Resources
IPC , Interprofessional Professionalism , and
These resources aim to evaluate an entry-level health professional’s demonstration of professionalism when interacting with members of other health professions.
This portal contains high quality, peer-reviewed, competency-based learning modules for interprofessional health education.
The IPEC Excellence in IPE Collaboration Award showcases multidisciplinary efforts to impact community health. The award is presented to a team of health-professional school based collaborators (faculty, administrators, and/or students) who have innovatively addressed a public health issue while making a lasting impact on the community’s health.
Reports and Publications
Zorek J, Ragucci K, Eickhoff J, Najjar G, et al. . Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice. December 2022, 29: 100553.
Khalili H, Lackie K, Langlois S, Wetzlmair LC, & Working Group. . InterprofessionalResearch.Global. 2022.
Hammer D, Anderson MB, Brunson WD, Grus C, et al. . Journal of Allied Health. Summer 2012; 41(2):e49-e53.
Holtman MS, Frost JS, Hammer DP, McGuinn K, Nunez LM. . Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2011, 25:383-385.