Ad Hoc Nomination Consortium

The Ad Hoc Nomination Consortium, consisting of 22 national nursing organizations, share the common goal of nominating qualified nursing professionals to federal councils, taskforces, and committees. Together the Consortium has nominated over 100 candidates and has successfully placed nurses on a wide variety of councils and committees. The members of the Consortium believe it is essential for the nursing profession to have a seat at the table for the creation, discussion, and regulation of federal health policy. The Consortium continues to work toward accomplishing this shared goal.

The Ad Hoc Nomination Consortium will:

  1. Identify nurses to appoint to various positions to help reach the shared goal of getting qualified nurses on federal committees, taskforces, groups, and councils. 
  2. Promote various nomination opportunities to colleagues and internal staff achieving shared goal. 
  3. Support potential candidates’ application for nomination.

You can find current opportunities and the Ad Hoc Nomination Consortium informational one-pager at the buttons below.

      Informational One-Pager

Is your organization interested in being a part of the Ad Hoc Nomination Consortium? Contact us today!

Nicole Huber, Policy Coordinator

Organizations that are a part of the Consortium:

American Association of Colleges of Nursing 
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses 
American Academy of Nursing 
American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology 
American Association of Nurse Practitioners 
American College of Nurse Midwives 
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses 
American Nurses Association 
Association of Nurses in AIDs Care 
American Nephrology Nurses Association 
American Organization for Nursing Leadership
American Psychiatric Nurses Association 
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses 
Commissioned Officers Association of the US Public Health Service 
Friends of National Institute of Nursing Research 
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 
National Council of State Boards of Nursing 
National League for Nursing 
National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties 
Nurses Organization of Veterans Affairs 
Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health 
Oncology Nursing Society